var ASPx = {}; ASPx.SSLSecureBlankUrl = "/DXR.axd?r=1_0-QD9c9"; ASPx.EmptyImageUrl = "/DXR.axd?r=1_12-QD9c9"; var __aspxVersionInfo = "Version='', File Version='', Date Modified='8/4/2014 2:30:43 AM'"; var __aspxStyleSheet = null; var __aspxInvalidDimension = -10000; var __aspxInvalidPosition = -10000; var __aspxAbsoluteLeftPosition = -10000; var __aspxAbsoluteRightPosition = 10000; var __aspxMenuZIndex = 21998; var __aspxPopupControlZIndex = 11998; var __aspxPopupShadowWidth = 5; var __aspxPopupShadowHeight = 5; var __aspxCallbackSeparator = ":"; var __aspxItemIndexSeparator = "i"; var __aspxCallbackResultPrefix = "/*DX*/"; var __aspxItemClassName = "dxi"; var __aspxAccessibilityEmptyUrl = "javascript:;"; var __aspxAccessibilityMarkerClass = "dxalink"; var __aspxEmptyAttributeValue = { }; var __aspxEmptyCachedValue = { }; var __aspxCachedRules = { }; var __aspxStyleCount = 0; var __aspxStyleNameCache = { }; var __aspxPossibleNumberDecimalSeparators = [",", "."]; var __aspxAdaptiveClass = "dx-adaptive"; var __aspxCultureInfo = { twoDigitYearMax: 2029, ts: ":", ds: "/", am: "AM", pm: "PM", monthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""], genMonthNames: null, abbrMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""], abbrDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], numDecimalPoint: ".", numPrec: 2, numGroupSeparator: ",", numGroups: [ 3 ], numNegPattern: 1, numPosInf: "Infinity", numNegInf: "-Infinity", numNan: "NaN", currency: "$", currDecimalPoint: ".", currPrec: 2, currGroupSeparator: ",", currGroups: [ 3 ], currPosPattern: 0, currNegPattern: 0, percentPattern: 0, shortTime: "h:mm tt", longTime: "h:mm:ss tt", shortDate: "M/d/yyyy", longDate: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy", monthDay: "MMMM dd", yearMonth: "MMMM, yyyy" }; __aspxCultureInfo.genMonthNames = __aspxCultureInfo.monthNames; function _aspxGetInvariantDateString(date) { if(!date) return "01/01/0001"; var day = date.getDate(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var year = date.getFullYear(); var result = ""; if(month < 10) result += "0"; result += month.toString() + "/"; if(day < 10) result += "0"; result += day.toString() + "/"; if(year < 1000) result += "0"; result += year.toString(); return result; } function _aspxGetInvariantDateTimeString(date) { var dateTimeString = _aspxGetInvariantDateString(date); var time = { h: date.getHours(), m: date.getMinutes(), s: date.getSeconds() }; for(var key in time) { var str = time[key].toString(); if(str.length < 2) str = "0" + str; time[key] = str; } dateTimeString += " " + time.h + ":" + time.m + ":" + time.s; var msec = date.getMilliseconds(); if(msec > 0) dateTimeString += "." + msec.toString(); return dateTimeString; } function _aspxExpandTwoDigitYear(value) { value += 1900; if(value + 99 < __aspxCultureInfo.twoDigitYearMax) value += 100; return value; } function _aspxToUtcTime(date) { var result = new Date(); result.setTime(date.valueOf() + 60000 * date.getTimezoneOffset()); return result; } function _aspxToLocalTime(date) { var result = new Date(); result.setTime(date.valueOf() - 60000 * date.getTimezoneOffset()); return result; } function _aspxAreDatesEqualExact(date1, date2) { if(date1 == null && date2 == null) return true; if(date1 == null || date2 == null) return false; return date1.getTime() == date2.getTime(); } function _aspxFixTimezoneGap(oldDate, newDate) { var diff = newDate.getHours() - oldDate.getHours(); if(diff == 0) return; var sign = (diff == 1 || diff == -23) ? -1 : 1; var trial = new Date(newDate.getTime() + sign * 3600000); if(sign > 0 || trial.getDate() == newDate.getDate()) newDate.setTime(trial.getTime()); } var ASPxKey = { F1 : 112, F2 : 113, F3 : 114, F4 : 115, F5 : 116, F6 : 117, F7 : 118, F8 : 119, F9 : 120, F10 : 121, F11 : 122, F12 : 123, Ctrl : 17, Shift : 16, Alt : 18, Enter : 13, Home : 36, End : 35, Left : 37, Right : 39, Up : 38, Down : 40, PageUp : 33, PageDown : 34, Esc : 27, Space : 32, Tab : 9, Backspace : 8, Delete : 46, Insert : 45, ContextMenu : 93, Windows : 91, Decimal : 110 }; var ASPxCallbackType = { Data: "d", Common: "c" }; var ASPxWhiteSpaces = { 0x0009: 1, 0x000a: 1, 0x000b: 1, 0x000c: 1, 0x000d: 1, 0x0020: 1, 0x0085: 1, 0x00a0: 1, 0x1680: 1, 0x180e: 1, 0x2000: 1, 0x2001: 1, 0x2002: 1, 0x2003: 1, 0x2004: 1, 0x2005: 1, 0x2006: 1, 0x2007: 1, 0x2008: 1, 0x2009: 1, 0x200a: 1, 0x200b: 1, 0x2028: 1, 0x2029: 1, 0x202f: 1, 0x205f: 1, 0x3000: 1 }; function _aspxFalseFunction() { return false; } function _aspxGetActiveElement() { try{ return document.activeElement; } catch(e) { } return null; } var __aspxUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var __aspxMozilla, __aspxIE, __aspxFirefox, __aspxNetscape, __aspxSafari, __aspxChrome, __aspxOpera, __aspxBrowserVersion, __aspxBrowserMajorVersion, __aspxWindowsPlatform, __aspxMacOSPlatform, __aspxMacOSMobilePlatform, __aspxWebKitFamily, __aspxNetscapeFamily, __aspxBrowserWithHardwareAcceleration; function _aspxIdentUserAgent(userAgent, ignoreDocumentMode) { var browserTypesOrderedList = [ "Mozilla", "IE", "Firefox", "Netscape", "Safari", "Chrome", "Opera", "Opera10" ]; var defaultBrowserType = "IE"; var defaultPlatform = "Win"; var defaultVersions = { Safari: 2, Chrome: 0.1, Mozilla: 1.9, Netscape: 8, Firefox: 2, Opera: 9, IE: 6 }; if(!userAgent || userAgent.length == 0) { _aspxFillUserAgentInfo(browserTypesOrderedList, defaultBrowserType, defaultVersions[defaultBrowserType], defaultPlatform); return; } userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase(); try { var platformIdentStrings = { "Windows": "Win", "Macintosh": "Mac", "Mac OS": "Mac", "Mac_PowerPC": "Mac", "cpu os": "MacMobile", "cpu iphone os": "MacMobile", "Android": "Android", "!Windows Phone": "WinPhone", "!WPDesktop": "WinPhone", "!ZuneWP": "WinPhone" }; var tridentIdentStrings = { "Trident/5": 9, "Trident/6": 10 }; var optSlashOrSpace = "(?:/|\\s*)?"; var version = "(\\d+)(?:\\.((?:\\d+?[1-9])|\\d)0*?)?"; var optVersion = "(?:" + version + ")?"; var patterns = { Safari: "applewebkit(?:.*?(?:version/" + version + "[\\.\\w\\d]*?(?:\\s+mobile\/\\S*)?\\s+safari))?", Chrome: "chrome(?!frame)" + optSlashOrSpace + optVersion, Mozilla: "mozilla(?:.*rv:" + optVersion + ".*Gecko)?", Netscape: "(?:netscape|navigator)\\d*/?\\s*" + optVersion, Firefox: "firefox" + optSlashOrSpace + optVersion, Opera: "opera" + optSlashOrSpace + optVersion, Opera10: "opera.*\\s*version" + optSlashOrSpace + optVersion, IE: "msie\\s*" + optVersion }; var browserType; var version = -1; for(var i = 0; i < browserTypesOrderedList.length; i++) { var browserTypeCandidate = browserTypesOrderedList[i]; var regExp = new RegExp(patterns[browserTypeCandidate], "i"); if(regExp.compile) regExp.compile(patterns[browserTypeCandidate], "i"); var matches = regExp.exec(userAgent); if(matches && matches.index >= 0) { browserType = browserTypeCandidate; if(browserType == "Opera10") browserType = "Opera"; var tridentPattern = "trident" + optSlashOrSpace + optVersion; version = _aspxGetBrowserVersion(userAgent, matches, tridentPattern, _aspxIsIEEdgeMode()); if(browserType == "Mozilla" && version >= 11) browserType = "IE"; } } if(!browserType) browserType = defaultBrowserType; var browserVersionDetected = version != -1; if(!browserVersionDetected) version = defaultVersions[browserType]; var platform; var minOccurenceIndex = Number.MAX_VALUE; for(var identStr in platformIdentStrings) { if(!platformIdentStrings.hasOwnProperty(identStr)) continue; var importantIdent = identStr.substr(0,1) == "!"; var occurenceIndex = userAgent.indexOf((importantIdent ? identStr.substr(1) : identStr).toLowerCase()); if(occurenceIndex >= 0 && (occurenceIndex < minOccurenceIndex || importantIdent)) { minOccurenceIndex = importantIdent ? 0 : occurenceIndex; platform = platformIdentStrings[identStr]; } } if(platform == "WinPhone" && version < 9) { for(var identStr in tridentIdentStrings) { if(!tridentIdentStrings.hasOwnProperty(identStr)) continue; if(userAgent.indexOf(identStr.toLowerCase()) > -1) version = tridentIdentStrings[identStr]; } } if(!ignoreDocumentMode && browserType == "IE" && version > 7 && document.documentMode < version) version = document.documentMode; if(platform == "WinPhone") version = Math.max(9, version); if(!platform) platform = defaultPlatform; if(platform == platformIdentStrings["cpu os"] && !browserVersionDetected) version = 4; _aspxFillUserAgentInfo(browserTypesOrderedList, browserType, version, platform); } catch(e) { _aspxFillUserAgentInfo(browserTypesOrderedList, defaultBrowserType, defaultVersions[defaultBrowserType], defaultPlatform); } } function _aspxIsIEEdgeMode() { if(document.compatible) { for(var i = 0; i < document.compatible.length; i++) { if(document.compatible[i].userAgent === "IE" && document.compatible[i].version && document.compatible[i].version.toLowerCase() === "edge") return true; } } return false; } function _aspxGetBrowserVersion(userAgent, matches, tridentPattern, isIEEdgeMode) { var result = -1; var versionStr = ""; var tridentDiffFromVersion = 4; var versionMatches = isIEEdgeMode ? new RegExp(tridentPattern, "i").exec(userAgent) : matches; if(versionMatches[1]) { versionStr += versionMatches[1]; if(versionMatches[2]) versionStr += "." + versionMatches[2]; } if(versionStr != "") { result = parseFloat(versionStr); if(isIEEdgeMode) result += tridentDiffFromVersion; if(result == NaN) result = -1; } return result; } function _aspxFillUserAgentInfo(browserTypesOrderedList, browserType, version, platform) { for(var i = 0; i < browserTypesOrderedList.length; i++) { var type = browserTypesOrderedList[i]; window["__aspx" + type] = type == browserType; } __aspxBrowserVersion = Math.floor(10.0 * version) / 10.0; __aspxBrowserMajorVersion = Math.floor(__aspxBrowserVersion); __aspxWindowsPlatform = platform == "Win" || platform == "WinPhone"; __aspxMacOSPlatform = platform == "Mac"; __aspxMacOSMobilePlatform = platform == "MacMobile"; __aspxAndroidMobilePlatform = platform == "Android"; __aspxWindowsPhonePlatform = platform == "WinPhone"; __aspxWebKitFamily = __aspxSafari || __aspxChrome; __aspxNetscapeFamily = __aspxNetscape || __aspxMozilla || __aspxFirefox; __aspxBrowserWithHardwareAcceleration = (__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion >= 9) || ( __aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion >= 4); __aspxWebKitTouchUI = __aspxMacOSMobilePlatform || __aspxAndroidMobilePlatform; __aspxMSTouchUI = __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion > 9 && __aspxWindowsPlatform && __aspxUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("touch") >= 0; __aspxTouchUI = __aspxWebKitTouchUI || __aspxMSTouchUI; __aspxAndroidDefaultBrowser = __aspxAndroidMobilePlatform && !__aspxChrome; } _aspxIdentUserAgent(__aspxUserAgent); ASPx.BlankUrl = __aspxIE ? ASPx.SSLSecureBlankUrl : (__aspxOpera ? "about:blank" : ""); function _aspxArrayInsert(array, element, position){ if(0 <= position && position < array.length){ for(var i = array.length; i > position; i --) array[i] = array[i - 1]; array[position] = element; } else array.push(element); } function _aspxArrayRemove(array, element){ var index = _aspxArrayIndexOf(array, element); if(index > -1) _aspxArrayRemoveAt(array, index); } function _aspxArrayRemoveAt(array, index){ if(index >= 0 && index < array.length){ for(var i = index; i < array.length - 1; i++) array[i] = array[i + 1]; array.pop(); } } function _aspxArrayClear(array){ while(array.length > 0) array.pop(); } function _aspxArrayIndexOf(array, element, comparer) { if(!comparer) { for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if(array[i] == element) return i; } } else { for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if(comparer(array[i], element)) return i; } } return -1; } function _aspxArrayIntegerAscendingSort(array){ _aspxArrayIntegerSort(array); } function _aspxArrayIntegerSort(array, desc) { array.sort(function(i1, i2) { var res = 0; if(i1 > i2) res = 1; else if(i1 < i2) res = -1; if(desc) res *= -1; return res; }); } function _aspxCollectionsUnionToArray(firstCollection, secondCollection) { var result = []; var firstCollectionLength = firstCollection.length; var secondCollectionLength = secondCollection.length; for(var i = 0; i < firstCollectionLength + secondCollectionLength; i++) { if(i < firstCollectionLength) result.push(firstCollection[i]); else result.push(secondCollection[i - firstCollectionLength]); } return result; } function _aspxCollectionToArray(collection) { var array = []; for(var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) array.push(collection[i]); return array; } function _aspxCreateHashTableFromArray(array) { var hash = []; for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) hash[array[i]] = 1; return hash; } function _aspxCreateIndexHashTableFromArray(array) { var hash = []; for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) hash[array[i]] = i; return hash; } var __aspxDefaultBinarySearchComparer = function(array, index, value) { var arrayElement = array[index]; if(arrayElement == value) return 0; else return arrayElement < value ? -1 : 1; }; var __aspxNearestLeftBinarySearchComparer = function(array, index, value) { var arrayElement = array[index]; var leftPoint = arrayElement < value; var lastLeftPoint = leftPoint && index == array.length - 1; var nearestLeftPoint = lastLeftPoint || (leftPoint && array[index + 1] >= value) if(nearestLeftPoint) return 0; else return arrayElement < value ? -1 : 1; }; function _aspxArrayBinarySearch(array, value, binarySearchComparer, startIndex, length) { if(!binarySearchComparer) binarySearchComparer = __aspxDefaultBinarySearchComparer; if(!_aspxIsExists(startIndex)) startIndex = 0; if(!_aspxIsExists(length)) length = array.length - startIndex; var endIndex = (startIndex + length) - 1; while (startIndex <= endIndex) { var middle = (startIndex + ((endIndex - startIndex) >> 1)); var compareResult = binarySearchComparer(array, middle, value); if (compareResult == 0) return middle; if (compareResult < 0) startIndex = middle + 1; else endIndex = middle - 1; } return -(startIndex + 1); } function _aspxGetDistinctArray(array) { var resultArray = []; for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var currentEntry = array[i]; if(_aspxArrayIndexOf(resultArray, currentEntry) == -1) { resultArray.push(currentEntry); } } return resultArray; } function _aspxApplyReplacement(text, replecementTable) { for(var i = 0; i < replecementTable.length; i++) { var replacement = replecementTable[i]; text = text.replace(replacement[0], replacement[1]); } return text; } function _aspxCompleteReplace(text, regexp, newSubStr) { var textPrev; do { textPrev = text; text = text.replace(regexp, newSubStr); } while(text != textPrev); return text; } function _aspxNodeListToArray(nodeList, filter) { var result = []; for(var i = 0, element; element = nodeList[i]; i++) { if(filter && !filter(element)) continue; result.push(element); } return result; } function _aspxEncodeHtml(html) { return _aspxApplyReplacement(html, [ [ /&/g, '&x;' ], [ /&/g, '&' ], [ /"/g, '"x;' ], [ /"/g, '"' ], [ /</g, '<x;' ], [ //g, '>' ] ]); } function _aspxDecodeHtml(html) { return _aspxApplyReplacement(html, [ [ />/g, '>' ], [ />x;/g, '>' ], [ /</g, '<' ], [ /<x;/g, '<' ], [ /"/g, '"' ], [ /"x;/g,'"' ], [ /&/g, '&' ], [ /&x;/g, '&' ] ]); } function _aspxParseShortcutString(shortcutString) { if(!shortcutString) return 0; var isCtrlKey = false; var isShiftKey = false; var isAltKey = false; var keyCode = null; var shcKeys = shortcutString.toString().split("+"); if (shcKeys.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < shcKeys.length; i++) { var key = _aspxTrim(shcKeys[i].toUpperCase()); switch (key) { case "CTRL": isCtrlKey = true; break; case "SHIFT": isShiftKey = true; break; case "ALT": isAltKey = true; break; case "F1": keyCode = ASPxKey.F1; break; case "F2": keyCode = ASPxKey.F2; break; case "F3": keyCode = ASPxKey.F3; break; case "F4": keyCode = ASPxKey.F4; break; case "F5": keyCode = ASPxKey.F5; break; case "F6": keyCode = ASPxKey.F6; break; case "F7": keyCode = ASPxKey.F7; break; case "F8": keyCode = ASPxKey.F8; break; case "F9": keyCode = ASPxKey.F9; break; case "F10": keyCode = ASPxKey.F10; break; case "F11": keyCode = ASPxKey.F11; break; case "F12": keyCode = ASPxKey.F12; break; case "ENTER": keyCode = ASPxKey.Enter; break; case "HOME": keyCode = ASPxKey.Home; break; case "END": keyCode = ASPxKey.End; break; case "LEFT": keyCode = ASPxKey.Left; break; case "RIGHT": keyCode = ASPxKey.Right; break; case "UP": keyCode = ASPxKey.Up; break; case "DOWN": keyCode = ASPxKey.Down; break; case "PAGEUP": keyCode = ASPxKey.PageUp; break; case "PAGEDOWN": keyCode = ASPxKey.PageDown; break; case "SPACE": keyCode = ASPxKey.Space; break; case "TAB": keyCode = ASPxKey.Tab; break; case "BACK": keyCode = ASPxKey.Backspace; break; case "CONTEXT": keyCode = ASPxKey.ContextMenu; break; case "ESCAPE": case "ESC": keyCode = ASPxKey.Esc; break; case "DELETE": case "DEL": keyCode = ASPxKey.Delete; break; case "INSERT": case "INS": keyCode = ASPxKey.Insert; break; case "PLUS": keyCode = "+".charCodeAt(0); break; default: keyCode = key.charCodeAt(0); break; } } } else alert("Invalid shortcut"); return _aspxGetShortcutCode(keyCode, isCtrlKey, isShiftKey, isAltKey); } function _aspxGetShortcutCode(keyCode, isCtrlKey, isShiftKey, isAltKey) { var value = keyCode & 0xFFFF; var flags = 0; flags |= isCtrlKey ? 1 << 0 : 0; flags |= isShiftKey ? 1 << 2 : 0; flags |= isAltKey ? 1 << 4 : 0; value |= flags << 16; return value; } function _aspxGetShortcutCodeByEvent(evt) { return _aspxGetShortcutCode(_aspxGetKeyCode(evt), evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey, evt.altKey); } function _aspxIsPasteShortcut(evt){ var keyCode = _aspxGetKeyCode(evt); if (__aspxNetscapeFamily && evt.which == 0) keyCode = evt.keyCode; return (evt.ctrlKey && (keyCode == 118 || (keyCode == 86))) || (evt.shiftKey && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey && (keyCode == ASPxKey.Insert)) ; } var ASPxImageUtils = { GetImageSrc: function (image){ return image.src; }, SetImageSrc: function(image, src){ image.src = src; }, SetSize: function(image, width, height){ = width + "px"; = height + "px"; }, GetSize: function(image, isWidth){ return (isWidth ? image.offsetWidth : image.offsetHeight); } }; var __aspxVerticalScrollBarWidth; function _aspxGetVerticalScrollBarWidth() { if(typeof(__aspxVerticalScrollBarWidth) == "undefined") { var container = document.createElement("DIV"); = "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; visibility: hidden; width: 200px; height: 150px; overflow: hidden"; document.body.appendChild(container); var child = document.createElement("P"); container.appendChild(child); = "width: 100%; height: 200px;"; var widthWithoutScrollBar = child.offsetWidth; = "scroll"; var widthWithScrollBar = child.offsetWidth; if(widthWithoutScrollBar == widthWithScrollBar) widthWithScrollBar = container.clientWidth; __aspxVerticalScrollBarWidth = widthWithoutScrollBar - widthWithScrollBar; document.body.removeChild(container); } return __aspxVerticalScrollBarWidth; } function _aspxGetVerticalOverflow(element) { if(__aspxIE || __aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3 || __aspxChrome) return; return; } function _aspxSetVerticalOverflow(element, value) { if(__aspxIE || __aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3 || __aspxChrome) = value; else = value; } function _aspxHideScrollBarCore(element, scrollName) { if(element.tagName == "IFRAME") { if((element.scrolling == "yes") || (element.scrolling == "auto")) { _aspxChangeAttribute(element, "scrolling", "no"); return true; } } else if(element.tagName == "DIV") { if(([scrollName] == "scroll") || ([scrollName] == "auto")) { _aspxChangeStyleAttribute(element, scrollName, "hidden"); return true; } } return false; } function _aspxRestoreScrollBarCore(element, scrollName) { if(element.tagName == "IFRAME") return _aspxRestoreAttribute(element, "scrolling"); else if(element.tagName == "DIV") return _aspxRestoreStyleAttribute(element, scrollName); return false; } function _aspxSetScrollBarVisibilityCore(element, scrollName, isVisible) { return isVisible ? _aspxRestoreScrollBarCore(element, scrollName) : _aspxHideScrollBarCore(element, scrollName); } function _aspxSetScrollBarVisibility(element, isVisible) { if(_aspxSetScrollBarVisibilityCore(element, "overflow", isVisible)) return true; var result = _aspxSetScrollBarVisibilityCore(element, "overflowX", isVisible) || _aspxSetScrollBarVisibilityCore(element, "overflowY", isVisible); return result; } function _aspxSetTimeout(callString, timeout){ return window.setTimeout(callString, timeout); } function _aspxClearTimer(timerID){ if(timerID > -1) window.clearTimeout(timerID); return -1; } function _aspxSetInterval(callString, interval){ return window.setInterval(callString, interval); } function _aspxClearInterval(timerID){ if(timerID > -1) window.clearInterval(timerID); return -1; } function _aspxSetInnerHtml(element, html) { if(__aspxIE) { element.innerHTML = " " + html; element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } else element.innerHTML = html; } function _aspxGetInnerText(container) { if (__aspxNetscapeFamily) return container.textContent; else if (__aspxWebKitFamily) { var filter = _aspxGetHtml2PlainTextFilter(); filter.innerHTML = container.innerHTML; _aspxSetElementDisplay(filter, true); var innerText = filter.innerText; _aspxSetElementDisplay(filter, false); return innerText; } else return container.innerText; } var __aspxHtml2PlainTextFilter = null; function _aspxGetHtml2PlainTextFilter() { if (__aspxHtml2PlainTextFilter == null) { __aspxHtml2PlainTextFilter = document.createElement("DIV"); = "0"; = "0"; = "visible"; _aspxSetElementDisplay(__aspxHtml2PlainTextFilter, false); document.body.appendChild(__aspxHtml2PlainTextFilter); } return __aspxHtml2PlainTextFilter; } function _aspxCreateHiddenField(name, id) { var input = document.createElement("INPUT"); input.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); if(name) input.setAttribute("name", name); if(id) input.setAttribute("id", id); return input; } function _aspxCloneObject(srcObject) { if(typeof(srcObject) != 'object' || srcObject == null) return srcObject; var newObject = { }; for(var i in srcObject) newObject[i] = srcObject[i]; return newObject; } function _aspxIsExists(obj){ return (typeof(obj) != "undefined") && (obj != null); } function _aspxIsFunction(obj){ return typeof(obj) == "function"; } function _aspxGetDefinedValue(value, defaultValue){ return (typeof(value) != "undefined") ? value : defaultValue; } function _aspxGetKeyCode(srcEvt) { return __aspxNetscapeFamily || __aspxOpera ? srcEvt.which : srcEvt.keyCode; } function _aspxPreventElementDrag(element) { if(__aspxIE) _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "dragstart", _aspxPreventEvent); else _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "mousedown", _aspxPreventEvent); } function _aspxPreventElementDragAndSelect(element, skipMouseMove, skipIESelect){ if(__aspxWebKitFamily) _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "selectstart", _aspxPreventEventAndBubble); if(__aspxIE){ if(!skipIESelect) _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "selectstart", _aspxFalseFunction); if(!skipMouseMove) _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "mousemove", _aspxClearSelectionOnMouseMove); _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "dragstart", _aspxPreventDragStart); } } function _aspxSetElementAsUnselectable(element, isWithChild, recursive) { if (element && element.nodeType == 1) { element.unselectable = "on"; if(__aspxNetscapeFamily) element.onmousedown = _aspxFalseFunction; if((__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 9) || __aspxWebKitFamily) _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "mousedown", _aspxPreventEventAndBubble); if(isWithChild === true){ for(var j = 0; j < element.childNodes.length; j ++) _aspxSetElementAsUnselectable(element.childNodes[j], (!!recursive ? true : false), (!!recursive)); } } } function _aspxIsPercentageSize(size) { return size && size.indexOf('%') != -1; } function _aspxClearSelection() { try { if (window.getSelection) { if (__aspxWebKitFamily) window.getSelection().collapse(); else window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if (document.selection) { if(document.selection.empty) document.selection.empty(); else if(document.selection.clear) document.selection.clear(); } } catch(e) { } } function _aspxClearSelectionOnMouseMove(evt) { if (!__aspxIE || (evt.button != 0)) _aspxClearSelection(); } function _aspxPreventDragStart(evt) { evt = _aspxGetEvent(evt); var element = _aspxGetEventSource(evt); element.releaseCapture(); return false; } function _aspxSetElementSelectionEnabled(element, value) { var userSelectValue = value ? "" : "none"; var func = value ? _aspxDetachEventFromElement : _aspxAttachEventToElement; if(__aspxFirefox) = userSelectValue; else if(__aspxWebKitFamily) = userSelectValue; else if(__aspxOpera) func(element, "mousemove", _aspxClearSelection); else { func(element, "selectstart", _aspxFalseFunction); func(element, "mousemove", _aspxClearSelection); } } function _aspxGetElementById(id) { if(document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(id); else return document.all[id]; } function _aspxGetInputElementById(id) { var elem = _aspxGetElementById(id); if(!__aspxIE) return elem; if(elem) { if( == id) return elem; else { for(var i = 1; i < document.all[id].length; i++) { if(document.all[id][i].id == id) return document.all[id][i]; } } } return null; } function _aspxGetElementByIdInDocument(documentObj, id) { if(documentObj.getElementById) return documentObj.getElementById(id); else return documentObj.all[id]; } function _aspxGetIsParent(parentElement, element) { while(element){ if(element === parentElement) return true; if(element.tagName === "BODY") return false; element = element.parentNode; } return false; } function _aspxGetParentById(element, id) { element = element.parentNode; while(element){ if( === id) return element; element = element.parentNode; } return null; } function _aspxGetParentByTagName(element, tagName) { tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); while(element) { if(element.tagName === "BODY") return null; if(element.tagName === tagName) return element; element = element.parentNode; } return null; } function _aspxElementHasCssClass(element, className) { try { return !!element.className.match("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"); } catch(e) { return false; } } function _aspxElementCssClassContains(element, className) { try { return element.className.indexOf(className) != -1; } catch(e) { return false; } } function _aspxAddClassNameToElement(element, className){ if(!_aspxElementHasCssClass(element, className)) element.className = element.className + " " + className; } function _aspxRemoveClassNameFromElement(element, className){ if(_aspxElementHasCssClass(element, className)) { element.className = (" " + element.className + " ").replace(" " + className + " ", " "); } } function _aspxGetChildNodesByClassName(parent, className) { if(parent.querySelectorAll) { var children = parent.querySelectorAll('.' + className); return _aspxNodeListToArray(children, function(element) { return element.parentNode === parent; }); } return _aspxGetChildNodes(parent, function(elem) { return elem.className && _aspxElementHasCssClass(elem, className); }); } function _aspxGetDescendantNodesByClassName(parent, className) { if(parent.querySelectorAll) { var children = parent.querySelectorAll('.' + className); return _aspxNodeListToArray(children); } return _aspxGetDescendantNodes(parent, function(elem) { return elem.className && _aspxElementHasCssClass(elem, className); }); } function _aspxGetParentByClassNameInternal(element, className, selector) { while(element != null) { if(element.tagName == "BODY") return null; if(selector(element, className)) return element; element = element.parentNode; } return null; } function _aspxGetParentByPartialClassName(element, className) { return _aspxGetParentByClassNameInternal(element, className, _aspxElementCssClassContains); } function _aspxGetParentByClassName(element, className) { return _aspxGetParentByClassNameInternal(element, className, _aspxElementHasCssClass); } function _aspxGetParentByTagNameAndAttributeValue(element, tagName, attrName, attrValue) { tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); while(element != null) { if(element.tagName == "BODY") return null; if(element.tagName == tagName && element[attrName] == attrValue) return element; element = element.parentNode; } return null; } function _aspxGetChildById(element, id) { if(element.all) { var child = element.all[id]; if (!child) { child = element.all(id); if(!child) return __aspxIE ? document.getElementById(id) : null; } if(!_aspxIsExists(child.length)) return child; else return _aspxGetElementById(id); } else return _aspxGetElementById(id); } function _aspxGetElementsByTagName(element, tagName) { tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); if(element) { if(element.getElementsByTagName) return element.getElementsByTagName(tagName); else if(element.all && element.all.tags !== undefined) return __aspxNetscape ? element.all.tags[tagName] : element.all.tags(tagName); } return null; } function _aspxGetChildByTagName(element, tagName, index) { if(element != null){ var collection = _aspxGetElementsByTagName(element, tagName); if(collection != null){ if(index < collection.length) return collection[index]; } } return null; } function _aspxRetrieveByPredicate(scourceCollection, predicate) { var result = []; for(var i = 0; i < scourceCollection.length; i++) { var element = scourceCollection[i]; if(!predicate || predicate(element)) result.push(element); } return result; } function _aspxGetChildNodes(parent, predicate) { return _aspxRetrieveByPredicate(parent.childNodes, predicate); } function _aspxGetChildNodesByTagName(parent, tagName) { return _aspxGetChildNodes(parent, function (child) { return child.tagName === tagName; }); } function _aspxGetDescendantNodes(parent, predicate) { var c = parent.all || parent.getElementsByTagName('*'); return _aspxRetrieveByPredicate(c, predicate); } function _aspxGetElementNodes(parent) { if(!parent) return null; return _aspxGetChildNodes(parent, function(e) { return e.nodeType == 1 }) } function _aspxGetElementNodesByPredicate(parent, predicate) { if(!parent) return null; if(!predicate) return _aspxGetElementNodes(parent); return _aspxGetChildNodes(parent, function(e) { return e.nodeType == 1 && predicate(e); }) } function _aspxGetChildTextNode(element, index) { if(element != null){ var collection = [ ]; _aspxGetChildTextNodeCollection(element, collection); if(index < collection.length) return collection[index]; } return null; } function _aspxGetChildTextNodeCollection(element, collection) { for(var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i ++){ var childNode = element.childNodes[i]; if(_aspxIsExists(childNode.nodeValue)) collection.push(childNode); _aspxGetChildTextNodeCollection(childNode, collection); } } function _aspxGetChildrenByPartialClassName(element, className) { if(element.querySelectorAll) { var list = element.querySelectorAll('*[class*=' + className + ']'); return _aspxNodeListToArray(list); } var collection = element.all || element.getElementsByTagName('*'); var ret = [ ]; if(collection != null) { for(var i = 0; i < collection.length; i ++) { if(_aspxElementCssClassContains(collection[i], className)) ret.push(collection[i]); } } return ret; } function _aspxGetParentByPartialId(element, idPart){ while(element && element.tagName != "BODY") { if( && > -1) return element; element = element.parentNode; } return null; } function _aspxGetElementsByPartialId(element, partialName, list) { if( && > -1) { list.push(element); } if(element.childNodes) for(var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i ++) { _aspxGetElementsByPartialId(element.childNodes[i], partialName, list); } } function _aspxGetElementDocument(element) { return element.document || element.ownerDocument; } function _aspxRemoveElement(element) { if(element && element.parentNode) element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } function _aspxReplaceTagName(element, newTagName, cloneChilds) { if (element.nodeType != 1) return null; if (element.nodeName == newTagName) return element; cloneChilds = cloneChilds !== undefined ? cloneChilds : true; var doc = element.ownerDocument; var newElem = doc.createElement(newTagName); _aspxCopyAllAttributes(element, newElem); if(cloneChilds) { for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) newElem.appendChild(element.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true)); } else { for(var child; child = element.firstChild; ) newElem.appendChild(child); } element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, element); return newElem; } function _aspxRemoveOuterTags(element) { if (__aspxIE) { element.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeBegin', element.innerHTML ) ; _aspxRemoveElement(element); } else { var docFragment = element.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) docFragment.appendChild(element.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true)); element.parentNode.replaceChild(docFragment, element); } } function _aspxWrapElementInNewElement(element, newElementTagName) { var wrapElement = null; if (__aspxIE) { var wrapElement = element.ownerDocument.createElement(newElementTagName); wrapElement.appendChild(element.cloneNode(true)); element.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapElement, element); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } else { var docFragment = element.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); wrapElement = element.ownerDocument.createElement(newElementTagName); docFragment.appendChild(wrapElement); wrapElement.appendChild(element.cloneNode(true)); element.parentNode.replaceChild(docFragment, element); } return wrapElement; } function _aspxInsertElementAfter(newElement, targetElement) { var parentElem = targetElement.parentNode; if(parentElem.childNodes[parentElem.childNodes.length - 1] == targetElement) parentElem.appendChild(newElement); else parentElem.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement.nextSibling); } function _aspxGetEvent(evt){ return (typeof(event) != "undefined" && event != null && __aspxIE) ? event : evt; } function _aspxPreventEvent(evt){ if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); else evt.returnValue = false; return false; } function _aspxPreventEventAndBubble(evt){ _aspxPreventEvent(evt); if (evt.stopPropagation) evt.stopPropagation(); evt.cancelBubble = true; return false; } function _aspxCancelBubble(evt){ evt.cancelBubble = true; return false; } function _aspxPreventImageDragging(image) { if(image) { if(__aspxNetscapeFamily) image.onmousedown = function(evt) { evt.cancelBubble = true; return false; }; else image.ondragstart = function() { return false; }; } } function _aspxClientEventRequiresDocScrollCorrection() { return __aspxAndroidDefaultBrowser || !(__aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserVersion < 3 || __aspxMacOSMobilePlatform && __aspxBrowserVersion < 5.1); } function _aspxGetEventSource(evt){ if(!_aspxIsExists(evt)) return null; return evt.srcElement ? evt.srcElement :; } function _aspxGetEventX(evt){ if(ASPxClientTouchUI.isTouchEvent(evt)) return ASPxClientTouchUI.getEventX(evt); return evt.clientX - _aspxGetIEDocumentClientOffsetInternal(true) + (_aspxClientEventRequiresDocScrollCorrection() ? _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft() : 0); } function _aspxGetEventY(evt){ if(ASPxClientTouchUI.isTouchEvent(evt)) return ASPxClientTouchUI.getEventY(evt); var oldSafari = __aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserVersion < 3 || __aspxMacOSMobilePlatform && __aspxBrowserVersion < 5.1; return evt.clientY - _aspxGetIEDocumentClientOffsetInternal(false) + (_aspxClientEventRequiresDocScrollCorrection() ? _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop() : 0 ); } function _aspxGetIEDocumentClientOffsetInternal(IsX){ var clientOffset = 0; if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 8){ if(document.documentElement) clientOffset = IsX ? document.documentElement.clientLeft : document.documentElement.clientTop; if(clientOffset == 0 && document.body) var clientOffset = IsX ? document.body.clientLeft : document.body.clientTop; } return clientOffset; } function _aspxGetIsLeftButtonPressed(evt){ if(ASPxClientTouchUI.isTouchEvent(evt)) return true; evt = _aspxGetEvent(evt); if(!evt) return false; if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 11){ if(__aspxMSTouchUI) return true; return evt.button % 2 == 1; } else if(__aspxNetscapeFamily || __aspxWebKitFamily || (__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 11)) return evt.which == 1; else if (__aspxOpera) return evt.button == 0; return true; } function _aspxGetWheelDelta(evt){ var ret = __aspxNetscapeFamily ? -evt.detail : evt.wheelDelta; if (__aspxOpera && __aspxBrowserVersion < 9) ret = -ret; return ret; } function _aspxDelCookie(name){ _aspxSetCookieInternal(name, "", new Date(1970, 1, 1)); } function _aspxGetCookie(name) { name = escape(name); var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = _aspxTrim(cookies[i]); if(cookie.indexOf(name + "=") == 0) return unescape(cookie.substring(name.length + 1, cookie.length)); else if(cookie.indexOf(name + ";") == 0 || cookie === name) return ""; } return null; } function _aspxSetCookie(name, value, expirationDate){ if(!_aspxIsExists(value)) { _aspxDelCookie(name); return; } if(!ASPxIdent.IsDate(expirationDate)) { expirationDate = new Date(); expirationDate.setFullYear(expirationDate.getFullYear() + 1); } _aspxSetCookieInternal(name, value, expirationDate); } function _aspxSetCookieInternal(name, value, date){ document.cookie = escape(name) + "=" + escape(value.toString()) + "; expires=" + date.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; } function _aspxSetElementOpacity(element, value) { var useOpacityStyle = !__aspxIE || __aspxBrowserVersion > 8; if (useOpacityStyle){ = value; } else { if(typeof(element.filters) === "object" && element.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"]) element.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha").Opacity = value*100; else = "alpha(opacity=" + (value * 100) + ")"; } } function _aspxGetElementOpacity(element) { var useOpacityStyle = !__aspxIE || __aspxBrowserVersion > 8; if (useOpacityStyle) return parseFloat(_aspxGetCurrentStyle(element).opacity); else { if(typeof(element.filters) === "object" && element.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"]){ return element.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha").Opacity / 100; } else { var alphaValue = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element).filter; var value = alphaValue.replace("alpha(opacity=", ""); value = value.replace(")", ""); return parseInt(value) / 100; } return 100; } } function _aspxGetElementDisplay(element){ return != "none"; } function _aspxSetElementDisplay(element, value) { if(!element) return; = value ? "" : "none"; } function _aspxGetElementVisibility(element){ return != "hidden"; } function _aspxSetElementVisibility(element, value){ = value ? "visible" : "hidden"; } function _aspxElementIsVisible(element){ while(element && element.tagName != "BODY") { if(!_aspxGetElementDisplay(element) || (!_aspxGetElementVisibility(element) && !_aspxIsExistsAttribute(element, "errorFrame"))) return false; element = element.parentNode; } return true; } function _aspxElementIsDisplayed(element) { while(element && element.tagName != "BODY") { if(!_aspxGetElementDisplay(element)) return false; element = element.parentNode; } return true; } function _aspxAddStyleSheetLinkToDocument(doc, linkUrl) { var newLink = _aspxCreateStyleLink(doc, linkUrl); var head = _aspxGetHeadElementOrCreateIfNotExist(doc); head.appendChild(newLink); } function _aspxGetHeadElementOrCreateIfNotExist(doc) { var elements = _aspxGetElementsByTagName(doc, "head"); var head = null; if (elements.length == 0) { head = doc.createElement("head"); head.visibility = "hidden"; doc.insertBefore(head, doc.body); } else head = elements[0]; return head; } function _aspxCreateStyleLink(doc, url) { var newLink = doc.createElement("link"); _aspxSetAttribute(newLink, "href", url); _aspxSetAttribute(newLink, "type", "text/css"); _aspxSetAttribute(newLink, "rel", "stylesheet"); return newLink; } function _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element) { if(element.currentStyle) return element.currentStyle; else if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { var result = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); if(!result && __aspxFirefox && window.frameElement) { var changes = []; var curElement = window.frameElement; while(!(result = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null))) { changes.push([curElement,]); _aspxSetStyleCore(curElement, "display", "block", true); curElement = curElement.tagName == "BODY" ? curElement.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement : curElement.parentNode; } result = _aspxCloneObject(result); for(var ch, i = 0; ch = changes[i]; i++) _aspxSetStyleCore(ch[0], "display", ch[1]); } return result; } return window.getComputedStyle(element, null); } function _aspxIsElementRightToLeft(element) { return _aspxGetElementDirection(element) == "rtl"; } function _aspxCreateStyleSheetInDocument(doc) { if(doc.createStyleSheet) { try { return doc.createStyleSheet(); } catch(e) { var message = "The CSS link limit (31) has been exceeded. Please enable CSS merging or reduce the number of CSS files on the page. For details, see"; throw new Error(message); } } else { var styleSheet = doc.createElement("STYLE"); _aspxGetChildByTagName(doc, "HEAD", 0).appendChild(styleSheet); return styleSheet.sheet; } } function _aspxGetCurrentStyleSheet() { if(!__aspxStyleSheet) __aspxStyleSheet = _aspxCreateStyleSheetInDocument(document); return __aspxStyleSheet; } function _aspxCreateStyleSheet(){ return _aspxCreateStyleSheetInDocument(document); } function _aspxGetStyleSheetRules(styleSheet){ try { return __aspxIE ? styleSheet.rules : styleSheet.cssRules; } catch(e) { return null; } } function _aspxGetStyleSheetRule(className){ if(__aspxCachedRules[className]) { if(__aspxCachedRules[className] != __aspxEmptyCachedValue) return __aspxCachedRules[className]; return null; } for(var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i ++){ var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i]; var rules = _aspxGetStyleSheetRules(styleSheet); if(rules != null){ for(var j = 0; j < rules.length; j ++){ if(rules[j].selectorText == "." + className){ __aspxCachedRules[className] = rules[j]; return rules[j]; } } } } __aspxCachedRules[className] = __aspxEmptyCachedValue; return null; } function _aspxCreateImportantStyleRule(styleSheet, cssText, postfix, prefix) { styleSheet = styleSheet || _aspxGetCurrentStyleSheet(); var cacheKey = (postfix ? postfix + "||" : "") + cssText + (prefix ? "||" + prefix : ""); if(__aspxStyleNameCache[cacheKey]) return __aspxStyleNameCache[cacheKey]; prefix = prefix ? prefix + " " : ""; var className = "dxh" + __aspxStyleCount + (postfix ? postfix : ""); _aspxAddStyleSheetRule(styleSheet, prefix + "." + className, _aspxCreateImportantCssText(cssText)); __aspxStyleCount++; __aspxStyleNameCache[cacheKey] = className; return className; } function _aspxCreateImportantCssText(cssText) { var newText = ""; var attributes = cssText.split(";"); for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++){ if(attributes[i] != "") newText += attributes[i] + " !important;"; } return newText; } function _aspxRemoveStyleSheetRule(styleSheet, index){ var rules = _aspxGetStyleSheetRules(styleSheet); if(rules != null && rules.length > 0 && rules.length >= index){ if(__aspxIE) styleSheet.removeRule(index); else styleSheet.deleteRule(index); } } function _aspxAddStyleSheetRule(styleSheet, selector, cssText){ if(!cssText) return; if(__aspxIE) styleSheet.addRule(selector, cssText); else styleSheet.insertRule(selector + " { " + cssText + " }", styleSheet.cssRules.length); } function _aspxGetPointerCursor() { return "pointer"; } function _aspxSetPointerCursor(element) { if( == "") = _aspxGetPointerCursor(); } function _aspxSetElementFloat(element, value) { if(_aspxIsExists( = value; else if(_aspxIsExists( = value; else _aspxSetAttribute(, "float", value); } function _aspxGetElementFloat(element) { var currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); if(_aspxIsExists(currentStyle.cssFloat)) return currentStyle.cssFloat; if(_aspxIsExists(currentStyle.styleFloat)) return currentStyle.styleFloat; return _aspxGetAttribute(currentStyle, "float"); } function _aspxGetElementDirection(element) { return _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element).direction; } function _aspxSetElementDirection(element, value) { = value; } function _aspxAdjustVerticalMarginsInContainer(container) { var containerBorderAndPaddings = _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(container); var flowElements = [], floatElements = [], floatTextElements = []; var maxHeight = 0, maxFlowHeight = 0; for(var i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var element = container.childNodes[i]; if(!element.offsetHeight) continue; _aspxClearVerticalMargins(element); } for(var i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var element = container.childNodes[i]; if(!element.offsetHeight) continue; var float = _aspxGetElementFloat(element); var isFloat = (float === "left" || float === "right"); if(isFloat) floatElements.push(element) else { flowElements.push(element); if(element.tagName !== "IMG"){ = 'baseline'; floatTextElements.push(element); } if(element.tagName === "DIV") _aspxChangeStyleAttribute(element, "float", "left"); } if(element.offsetHeight > maxHeight) maxHeight = element.offsetHeight; if(!isFloat && element.offsetHeight > maxFlowHeight) maxFlowHeight = element.offsetHeight; } for(var i = 0; i < flowElements.length; i++) _aspxRestoreStyleAttribute(flowElements[i], "float"); var containerBorderAndPaddings = _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(container); var containerHeight = container.offsetHeight - containerBorderAndPaddings; if(maxHeight == containerHeight) { var verticalAlign = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(container).verticalAlign; for(var i = 0; i < floatTextElements.length; i++) floatTextElements[i].style.verticalAlign = ''; containerHeight = container.offsetHeight - containerBorderAndPaddings; for(var i = 0; i < floatElements.length; i++) _aspxAdjustVerticalMarginsCore(floatElements[i], containerHeight, verticalAlign, true); for(var i = 0; i < flowElements.length; i++) { if(maxFlowHeight != maxHeight) _aspxAdjustVerticalMarginsCore(flowElements[i], containerHeight, verticalAlign); } } } function _aspxAdjustVerticalMargins(element) { _aspxClearVerticalMargins(element); var parentElement = element.parentNode; var parentHeight = parentElement.offsetHeight - _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(parentElement); _aspxAdjustVerticalMarginsCore(element, parentHeight, _aspxGetCurrentStyle(parentElement).verticalAlign); } function _aspxAdjustVerticalMarginsCore(element, parentHeight, verticalAlign, toBottom) { var marginTop; if(verticalAlign == "top") marginTop = 0; else if(verticalAlign == "bottom") marginTop = parentHeight - element.offsetHeight; else marginTop = (parentHeight - element.offsetHeight) / 2; if(marginTop !== 0){ var marginAttr = (toBottom ? Math.ceil(marginTop) : Math.floor(marginTop)) + "px" = marginAttr; } } function _aspxClearVerticalMargins(element) { = ""; = ""; } function _aspxAdjustHeightInContainer(container) { var height = container.offsetHeight - _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(container); for(var i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var element = container.childNodes[i]; if(!element.offsetHeight) continue; _aspxClearHeight(element); } var elements = []; var childrenHeight = 0; for(var i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { var element = container.childNodes[i]; if(!element.offsetHeight) continue; childrenHeight += element.offsetHeight; elements.push(element); } if(elements.length > 0 && childrenHeight < height) { var correctedHeight = 0; for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var elementHeight = 0; if(i < elements.length - 1){ var elementHeight = Math.floor(height / elements.length); correctedHeight += elementHeight; } else{ var elementHeight = height - correctedHeight; if(elementHeight < 0) elementHeight = 0; } _aspxAdjustHeightCore(elements[i], elementHeight); } } } function _aspxAdjustHeight(element) { _aspxClearHeight(element); var parentElement = element.parentNode; var height = parentElement.offsetHeight - _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(parentElement); _aspxAdjustHeightCore(element, height); } function _aspxAdjustHeightCore(element, height) { var height = height - _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element); = height + "px"; } function _aspxClearHeight(element) { = ""; } function _aspxAdjustWrappedTextInContainer(container) { if(!container) return; var textContainer, leftWidth = 0, rightWidth = 0; for(var i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++){ var child = container.childNodes[i]; if(child.tagName === "BR") return; if(!child.tagName || !child.offsetWidth) continue; if(child.tagName !== "IMG"){ textContainer = child; if(_aspxIsTextWrapped(textContainer)){ = ""; = ""; } } else { var width = child.offsetWidth + _aspxGetLeftRightMargins(child); if(textContainer) rightWidth += width; else leftWidth += width; } } var containerWidth = container.offsetWidth - _aspxGetLeftRightBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(container); if(textContainer && _aspxIsTextWrapped(textContainer) && textContainer.offsetWidth + leftWidth + rightWidth >= containerWidth) { if(rightWidth > 0) = (containerWidth - rightWidth) + "px"; else if(leftWidth > 0){ if(_aspxIsElementRightToLeft(container)) = leftWidth + "px"; else = leftWidth + "px"; } } } function _aspxIsTextWrapped(element) { return element && _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element).whiteSpace !== "nowrap"; } var _aspxWebKit3TDRealInfo = { GetOffsetTop: function(tdElement){ switch(_aspxGetCurrentStyle(tdElement).verticalAlign){ case "middle": return Math.round(tdElement.offsetTop - (tdElement.offsetHeight - tdElement.clientHeight )/2 + tdElement.clientTop); case "bottom": return tdElement.offsetTop - tdElement.offsetHeight + tdElement.clientHeight + tdElement.clientTop; } return tdElement.offsetTop; }, GetClientHeight: function(tdElement){ var valign = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(tdElement).verticalAlign; switch(valign){ case "middle": return tdElement.clientHeight + tdElement.offsetTop * 2; case "top": return tdElement.offsetHeight - tdElement.clientTop * 2; case "bottom": return tdElement.clientHeight + tdElement.offsetTop; } return tdElement.clientHeight; } } function _aspxGetIsValidPosition(pos){ return pos != __aspxInvalidPosition && pos != -__aspxInvalidPosition; } function _aspxGetAbsoluteX(curEl){ return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX(curEl); } function _aspxGetAbsoluteY(curEl){ return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY(curEl); } function _aspxSetAbsoluteX(element, x){ = _aspxPrepareClientPosForElement(x, element, true) + "px"; } function _aspxSetAbsoluteY(element, y){ = _aspxPrepareClientPosForElement(y, element, false) + "px"; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX(element){ if (__aspxIE) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_IE(element); else if (__aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_FF3(element); else if (__aspxOpera) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_Opera(element); else if(__aspxNetscapeFamily && (!__aspxFirefox || __aspxBrowserVersion < 3)) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_NS(element); else if(__aspxWebKitFamily) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_Safari(element); else return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_Other(element); } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_Opera(curEl){ var isFirstCycle = true; var pos = _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_OperaFF(curEl, true); while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetLeft; if(!isFirstCycle) pos -= curEl.scrollLeft; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; isFirstCycle = false; } pos += document.body.scrollLeft; return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_IE(element){ if(element == null || __aspxIE && element.parentNode == null) return 0; return element.getBoundingClientRect().left + _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft() - _aspxGetIEDocumentClientOffsetInternal(true); } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_FF3(element){ if(element == null) return 0; var x = element.getBoundingClientRect().left + _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft(); return Math.round(x); } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_NS(curEl){ var pos = _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_OperaFF(curEl, true); var isFirstCycle = true; while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetLeft; if (!isFirstCycle && curEl.offsetParent != null) pos -= curEl.scrollLeft; if (!isFirstCycle && __aspxFirefox){ var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); if(curEl.tagName == "DIV" && style.overflow != "visible") pos += _aspxPxToInt(style.borderLeftWidth); } isFirstCycle = false; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_Safari(curEl){ var pos = _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_WebKit(curEl, true); var isSafariVerNonLessThan3OrChrome = __aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3 || __aspxChrome; if(curEl != null){ var isFirstCycle = true; if(isSafariVerNonLessThan3OrChrome && curEl.tagName == "TD") { pos += curEl.offsetLeft; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; isFirstCycle = false; } while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetLeft; var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); var posDiv = curEl.tagName == "DIV" && (style.position == "absolute" || style.position == "relative"); if(!isFirstCycle && (curEl.tagName == "TD" || curEl.tagName == "TABLE" || posDiv)) pos += curEl.clientLeft; isFirstCycle = false; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } } return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionX_Other(curEl){ var pos = 0; var isFirstCycle = true; while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetLeft; if (!isFirstCycle && curEl.offsetParent != null) pos -= curEl.scrollLeft; isFirstCycle = false; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY(element){ if (__aspxIE) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_IE(element); else if (__aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_FF3(element); else if (__aspxOpera) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_Opera(element); else if(__aspxNetscapeFamily && (!__aspxFirefox || __aspxBrowserVersion < 3)) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_NS(element); else if(__aspxWebKitFamily) return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_Safari(element); else return _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_Other(element); } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_Opera(curEl){ var isFirstCycle = true; if(curEl && curEl.tagName == "TR" && curEl.cells.length > 0) curEl = curEl.cells[0]; var pos = _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_OperaFF(curEl, false); while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetTop; if(!isFirstCycle) pos -= curEl.scrollTop; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; isFirstCycle = false; } pos += document.body.scrollTop; return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_IE(element){ if(element == null || __aspxIE && element.parentNode == null) return 0; return element.getBoundingClientRect().top + _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop() - _aspxGetIEDocumentClientOffsetInternal(false); } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_FF3(element){ if(element == null) return 0; var y = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop(); return Math.round(y); } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_NS(curEl){ var pos = _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_OperaFF(curEl, false); var isFirstCycle = true; while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetTop; if (!isFirstCycle && curEl.offsetParent != null) pos -= curEl.scrollTop; if (!isFirstCycle && __aspxFirefox){ var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); if(curEl.tagName == "DIV" && style.overflow != "visible") pos += _aspxPxToInt(style.borderTopWidth); } isFirstCycle = false; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_Safari(curEl){ var pos = _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_WebKit(curEl, false); var isSafariVerNonLessThan3OrChrome = __aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3 || __aspxChrome; if(curEl != null){ var isFirstCycle = true; if(isSafariVerNonLessThan3OrChrome && curEl.tagName == "TD") { pos += _aspxWebKit3TDRealInfo.GetOffsetTop(curEl); curEl = curEl.offsetParent; isFirstCycle = false; } while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetTop; var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); var posDiv = curEl.tagName == "DIV" && (style.position == "absolute" || style.position == "relative"); if(!isFirstCycle && (curEl.tagName == "TD" || curEl.tagName == "TABLE" || posDiv)) pos += curEl.clientTop; isFirstCycle = false; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } } return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_OperaFF(curEl, isX) { var pos = 0; var isFirstCycle = true; while (curEl != null) { if(curEl.tagName == "BODY") break; var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); if(style.position == "absolute") break; if(!isFirstCycle && curEl.tagName == "DIV" && (style.position == "" || style.position == "static")) pos -= isX ? curEl.scrollLeft : curEl.scrollTop; curEl = curEl.parentNode; isFirstCycle = false; } return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsoluteScrollOffset_WebKit(curEl, isX) { var pos = 0; var isFirstCycle = true; var step = 0; var absoluteWasFoundAtStep = -1; var isThereFixedParent = false; while (curEl != null) { if(curEl.tagName == "BODY") break; var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); var positionIsDefault = style.position == "" || style.position == "static"; var absoluteWasFoundAtPreviousStep = absoluteWasFoundAtStep >= 0 && absoluteWasFoundAtStep < step; if(!isFirstCycle && curEl.tagName == "DIV" && (!positionIsDefault || !absoluteWasFoundAtPreviousStep)) pos -= isX ? curEl.scrollLeft : curEl.scrollTop; if(style.position == "absolute") absoluteWasFoundAtStep = step; else if(style.position == "relative") absoluteWasFoundAtStep = -1; else if(style.position == "fixed") isThereFixedParent = true; curEl = curEl.parentNode; isFirstCycle = false; step ++; } if(isThereFixedParent) pos += isX ? _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft() : _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop(); return pos; } function _aspxGetAbsolutePositionY_Other(curEl){ var pos = 0; var isFirstCycle = true; while (curEl != null) { pos += curEl.offsetTop; if (!isFirstCycle && curEl.offsetParent != null) pos -= curEl.scrollTop; isFirstCycle = false; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } return pos; } function _aspxPrepareClientPosForElement(pos, element, isX) { pos -= _aspxGetPositionElementOffset(element, isX); return pos; } function _aspxGetExperimentalPositionOffset(element, isX) { var div = document.createElement('div'); = "0px"; = "0px"; div.visibility = "hidden"; = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element).position; if (__aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 10 && == "static") = "absolute"; element.parentNode.appendChild(div); var realPos = isX ? _aspxGetAbsoluteX(div) : _aspxGetAbsoluteY(div); element.parentNode.removeChild(div); return realPos; } function _aspxTestElementParentsByFunc(element, func) { while(element) { var tagName = element.tagName; if(tagName == "HTML" || tagName == "BODY" ) return false; if(func(element)) return true; element = element.parentNode; } return false; } function _aspxGetPositionElementOffset(element, isX) { if(__aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 10){ return _aspxGetExperimentalPositionOffset(element, isX); } return _aspxGetPositionElementOffsetCore(element, isX); } function _aspxGetPositionElementOffsetCore(element, isX) { var curEl = element.offsetParent; var offset = 0; var scroll = 0; var isThereFixedParent = false; var isFixed = false; var hasDisplayTableParent = false; var position = ""; while(curEl != null) { var tagName = curEl.tagName; if(tagName == "HTML"){ break; } if(tagName == "BODY"){ if(!__aspxOpera && !__aspxChrome){ var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); if(style.position != "" && style.position != "static"){ offset += _aspxPxToInt(isX ? style.left :; offset += _aspxPxToInt(isX ? style.marginLeft : style.marginTop); } } break; } if(tagName != "TD" && tagName != "TR") { var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(curEl); isFixed = style.position == "fixed"; if(isFixed) { isThereFixedParent = true; if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 8) { return _aspxGetExperimentalPositionOffset(element, isX); } } hasDisplayTableParent = style.display == "table" && (style.position == "absolute" || style.position == "relative"); if(hasDisplayTableParent && __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 8) return _aspxGetExperimentalPositionOffset(element, isX); if (style.position == "absolute" || isFixed || style.position == "relative") { offset += isX ? curEl.offsetLeft : curEl.offsetTop; offset += _aspxPxToInt(isX ? style.borderLeftWidth : style.borderTopWidth); } if(style.position == "relative" && !(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 8)) scroll += _aspxGetElementChainScroll(curEl, curEl.offsetParent, isX); } scroll += isX ? curEl.scrollLeft : curEl.scrollTop; curEl = curEl.offsetParent; } offset -= scroll; if((__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 7 || __aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 3 || __aspxWebKitFamily) && isThereFixedParent) offset += isX ? _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft() : _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop(); return offset; } function _aspxGetElementChainScroll(startElement, endElement, isX){ var curEl = startElement.parentNode; var scroll = 0; while(curEl != endElement){ scroll += isX ? curEl.scrollLeft : curEl.scrollTop; curEl = curEl.parentNode; } return scroll; } function _aspxGetSizeOfText(text, textCss) { var testContainer = document.createElement("tester"); = textCss.fontSize; = textCss.fontFamily; = textCss.fontWeight; = textCss.letterSpacing; = textCss.lineHeight; = "absolute"; = __aspxInvalidPosition + "px"; = __aspxInvalidPosition + "px"; = "auto"; = "nowrap"; testContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); var testElement = document.body.appendChild(testContainer); var size = { "width": testElement.offsetWidth, "height": testElement.offsetHeight }; document.body.removeChild(testElement); return size; } function _aspxIsValidJSON(JsonString) { return !(/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]/.test(JsonString.replace(/"(\\.|[^"\\])*"/g, ''))) } function _aspxEvalJSON(jsonString, controlName) { if(_aspxIsValidJSON(jsonString)) return eval("(" + jsonString + ")"); else throw new Error(controlName + " received incorrect JSON-data: " + jsonString); } function _aspxPointToPixel(points, addPx) { var result = 0; try { var indexOfPt = points.toLowerCase().indexOf("pt"); if (indexOfPt > -1) result = parseInt(points.substr(0, indexOfPt)) * 96 / 72; else result = parseInt(points) * 96 / 72; if (addPx) result = result + "px"; } catch(e) {} return result; } function _aspxPixelToPoint(pixels, addPt) { var result = 0; try { var indexOfPx = pixels.toLowerCase().indexOf("px"); if (indexOfPx > -1) result = parseInt(pixels.substr(0, indexOfPx)) * 72 / 96; else result = parseInt(pixels) * 72 / 96; if (addPt) result = result + "pt"; } catch(e) {} return result; } function _aspxPxToInt(px) { return _aspxPxToNumber(px, parseInt); } function _aspxPxToFloat(px) { return _aspxPxToNumber(px, parseFloat); } function _aspxPxToNumber(px, parseFunction) { var result = 0; if (px != null && px != "") { try { var indexOfPx = px.indexOf("px"); if (indexOfPx > -1) result = parseFunction(px.substr(0, indexOfPx)); } catch(e) { } } return result; } function _aspxIsNumber(str) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(str)) && isFinite(str); } function _aspxPercentageToFloat(perc) { var result = 0; if(perc != null && perc != "") { try { var indexOfPerc = perc.indexOf("%"); if(indexOfPerc > -1) result = parseFloat(perc.substr(0, indexOfPerc)) / 100; } catch(e) { } } return result; } function _aspxGetLeftRightBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element, currentStyle) { if(!_aspxIsExists(currentStyle)) currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); var value = _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.paddingLeft) + _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.paddingRight); return value + _aspxGetHorizontalBordersWidth(element, currentStyle); } function _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element, currentStyle) { if(!_aspxIsExists(currentStyle)) currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); var value = _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.paddingTop) + _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.paddingBottom); return value + _aspxGetVerticalBordersWidth(element, currentStyle); } function _aspxGetVerticalBordersWidth(element, style) { if(!_aspxIsExists(style)) style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); var res = 0; if(style.borderTopStyle != "none") res += _aspxPxToInt(style.borderTopWidth); if(style.borderBottomStyle != "none") res += _aspxPxToInt(style.borderBottomWidth); return res; } function _aspxGetHorizontalBordersWidth(element, style) { if(!_aspxIsExists(style)) style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); var res = 0; if(style.borderLeftStyle != "none") res += _aspxPxToInt(style.borderLeftWidth); if(style.borderRightStyle != "none") res += _aspxPxToInt(style.borderRightWidth); return res; } function _aspxGetTopBottomMargins(element) { var currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); return _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginTop) + _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginBottom); } function _aspxGetLeftRightMargins(element) { var currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); return _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginLeft) + _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginRight); } function _aspxGetCeilOffsetHeight(element) { if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion > 9) return Math.ceil(element.getBoundingClientRect().height); return element.offsetHeight; } function _aspxGetClearClientWidth(element) { return element.offsetWidth - _aspxGetLeftRightBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element); } function _aspxGetClearClientHeight(element) { return element.offsetHeight - _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element); } function _aspxSetOffsetWidth(element, widthValue, currentStyle) { if(!_aspxIsExists(currentStyle)) currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); var value = widthValue - _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginLeft) - _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginRight); value -= _aspxGetLeftRightBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element, currentStyle); if(value > -1) = value + "px"; } function _aspxSetOffsetHeight(element, heightValue, currentStyle) { if(!_aspxIsExists(currentStyle)) currentStyle = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); var value = heightValue - _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginTop) - _aspxPxToInt(currentStyle.marginBottom); value -= _aspxGetTopBottomBordersAndPaddingsSummaryValue(element, currentStyle); if(value > -1) = value + "px"; } function _aspxFindOffsetParent(element) { if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 8) return element.offsetParent; var currentElement = element.parentNode; while(_aspxIsExistsElement(currentElement) && currentElement.tagName != "BODY") { if (currentElement.offsetWidth > 0 && currentElement.offsetHeight > 0) return currentElement; currentElement = currentElement.parentNode; } return document.body; } function _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop(){ if(__aspxWebKitFamily || __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5 || document.documentElement.scrollTop == 0) { if(__aspxMacOSMobilePlatform) return window.pageYOffset; else return document.body.scrollTop; } else return document.documentElement.scrollTop; } function _aspxSetDocumentScrollTop(scrollTop) { if(__aspxWebKitFamily || __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5 || document.documentElement.scrollTop == 0) { if(__aspxMacOSMobilePlatform) window.pageYOffset = scrollTop; else document.body.scrollTop = scrollTop; } else document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTop; } function _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft(){ if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 8) { var body = document.body || document.documentElement; if(_aspxIsElementRightToLeft(body)) return body.scrollWidth - body.scrollLeft - body.clientWidth; } if(__aspxWebKitFamily || __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5 || document.documentElement.scrollLeft == 0) return document.body.scrollLeft; return document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } function _aspxSetDocumentScrollLeft(scrollLeft) { if(__aspxWebKitFamily || __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5 || document.documentElement.scrollLeft == 0) { if(__aspxMacOSMobilePlatform) window.pageXOffset = scrollLeft; else document.body.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } else document.documentElement.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; } function _aspxGetDocumentClientWidth(){ if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5 || document.documentElement.clientWidth == 0) return document.body.clientWidth; else return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } function _aspxGetDocumentClientHeight(){ if(__aspxOpera) return __aspxBrowserVersion >= 9.6 ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; else if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5 || document.documentElement.clientHeight == 0) return document.body.clientHeight; else return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } function _aspxSetStyles(element, styles, makeImportant) { if (_aspxIsExists(styles.cssText)) = styles.cssText; if (_aspxIsExists(styles.className)) element.className = styles.className; for (var property in styles) { if(!styles.hasOwnProperty(property)) continue; var value = styles[property]; switch (property) { case "cssText": case "className": break; case "float": _aspxSetElementFloat(element, value); break; case "opacity": _aspxSetElementOpacity(element, value); break; case "zIndex": _aspxSetStyleCore(element, property, value, makeImportant); default: _aspxSetStyleCore(element, property, value + (typeof (value) == "number" ? "px" : ""), makeImportant); } } } function _aspxSetStyleCore(element, property, value, makeImportant) { if(makeImportant) { var index ="[A-Z]"); if(index != -1) property = property.replace(property.charAt(index), "-" + property.charAt(index).toLowerCase()); if(, value, "important"); else += ";" + property + ":" + value + "!important"; } else[property] = value; } function _aspxGetDocumentWidth(){ var bodyWidth = document.body.offsetWidth; var docWidth = (__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion != 7) ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.documentElement.offsetWidth; var bodyScrollWidth = document.body.scrollWidth; var docScrollWidth = document.documentElement.scrollWidth; return _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(bodyWidth, docWidth, bodyScrollWidth, docScrollWidth); } function _aspxGetDocumentHeight(){ var bodyHeight = document.body.offsetHeight; var docHeight = (__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion != 7) ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.documentElement.offsetHeight; var bodyScrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; var docScrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; var maxHeight = _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(bodyHeight, docHeight, bodyScrollHeight, docScrollHeight); if(__aspxOpera && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 9.6){ if(__aspxBrowserVersion < 10) maxHeight = _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(bodyHeight, docHeight, bodyScrollHeight); var visibleHeightOfDocument = document.documentElement.clientHeight; if(maxHeight > visibleHeightOfDocument) maxHeight = _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(window.outerHeight, maxHeight); else maxHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; return maxHeight; } return maxHeight; } function _aspxGetDocumentMaxClientWidth(){ var bodyWidth = document.body.offsetWidth; var docWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth; var docClientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; return _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(bodyWidth, docWidth, docClientWidth); } function _aspxGetDocumentMaxClientHeight(){ var bodyHeight = document.body.offsetHeight; var docHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight; var docClientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; return _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(bodyHeight, docHeight, docClientHeight); } function _aspxGetMaxDimensionOf(){ var max = __aspxInvalidDimension; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ if(max < arguments[i]) max = arguments[i]; } return max; } function _aspxGetClientLeft(element){ return _aspxIsExists(element.clientLeft) ? element.clientLeft : (element.offsetWidth - element.clientWidth) / 2; } function _aspxGetClientTop(element){ return _aspxIsExists(element.clientTop) ? element.clientTop : (element.offsetHeight - element.clientHeight) / 2; } function _aspxRemoveBorders(element) { if(!element) return; = 0; for(var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = element.childNodes[i]; if( = "0"; } } function _aspxSetBackground(element, background) { if(!element) return; = background; for(var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = element.childNodes[i]; if( = background; } } function _aspxDoElementClick(element) { try{; } catch(e){ } } function _aspxGetCellSpacing(element) { var val = parseInt(element.cellSpacing); if(!isNaN(val)) return val; val = parseInt(_aspxGetCurrentStyle(element).borderSpacing); if(!isNaN(val)) return val; return 0; } function _aspxSetSelection(input, startPos, endPos, scrollToSelection) { if(!_aspxIsExistsElement(input)) return; var textLen = input.value.length; startPos = _aspxGetDefinedValue(startPos, 0); endPos = _aspxGetDefinedValue(endPos, textLen); if(startPos < 0) startPos = 0; if(endPos < 0 || endPos > textLen) endPos = textLen; if(startPos > endPos) startPos = endPos; var makeReadOnly = false; if(__aspxWebKitFamily && input.readOnly) { input.readOnly = false; makeReadOnly = true; } try { if (__aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion >= 8) input.setSelectionRange(startPos, endPos, "backward") else if (__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 9) { var range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart("character", startPos); range.moveEnd("character", endPos - startPos);; } else input.setSelectionRange(startPos, endPos); if(__aspxOpera || __aspxFirefox) input.focus(); } catch(e) { } if(scrollToSelection && input.tagName == 'TEXTAREA') { var scrollHeight = input.scrollHeight; var approxCaretPos = startPos; var scrollTop = Math.max(Math.round(approxCaretPos * scrollHeight / textLen - input.clientHeight / 2), 0); input.scrollTop = scrollTop; } if(makeReadOnly) input.readOnly = true; } function _aspxGetSelectionInfo(input) { var start, end; if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 9) { var range = document.selection.createRange(); var rangeCopy = range.duplicate(); range.move('character', -input.value.length); range.setEndPoint('EndToStart', rangeCopy); start = range.text.length; end = start + rangeCopy.text.length; } else { try { start = input.selectionStart; end = input.selectionEnd; } catch (e) { } } return { startPos: start, endPos: end }; } function _aspxGetExtSelectionInfo(input) { var start = 0, end = 0, textLen = 0; if (__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 9) { var normalizedValue; var range, textInputRange, textInputEndRange; range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range && range.parentElement() == input) { textLen = input.value.length; normalizedValue = input.value.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); textInputRange = input.createTextRange(); textInputRange.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); textInputEndRange = input.createTextRange(); textInputEndRange.collapse(false); if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", textInputEndRange) > -1) { start = textLen; end = textLen; } else { start = normalizedValue.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - textInputRange.moveStart("character", -textLen) -1; if (textInputRange.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", textInputEndRange) > -1) end = textLen; else end = normalizedValue.slice(0, end).split("\n").length - textInputRange.moveEnd("character", -textLen) - 1; } } return {startPos: start, endPos: end}; } try { start = input.selectionStart; end = input.selectionEnd; } catch (e) { } return {startPos: start, endPos: end}; } function _aspxSetCaretPosition(input, caretPos) { if(typeof caretPos === "undefined" || caretPos < 0) caretPos = input.value.length; _aspxSetSelection(input, caretPos, caretPos, true); } _aspxSetInputSelection = _aspxSetSelectionCore = _aspxSetSelection; _aspxClearInputSelection = _aspxSetCaretPosition; function _aspxSetFocus(element, selectAction) { function focusCore(element, selectAction){ try { element.focus(); if(__aspxIE && document.activeElement != element) element.focus(); if(selectAction) { var currentSelection = _aspxGetSelectionInfo(element); if(currentSelection.startPos == currentSelection.endPos) { switch(selectAction) { case "start": _aspxSetCaretPosition(element, 0); break; case "all": _aspxSetSelection(element); break; } } } } catch (e) { } } if(ASPxClientUtils.iOSPlatform) focusCore(element, selectAction); else { window.setTimeout(function() { focusCore(element, selectAction); }, 100); } } function _aspxIsFocusableCore(element, skipContainerVisibilityCheck) { var current = element; while(current && current.nodeType == 1) { if (current == element || !skipContainerVisibilityCheck(current)) { if (current.tagName == "BODY") return true; if (current.disabled || !_aspxGetElementDisplay(current) || !_aspxGetElementVisibility(current)) return false; } current = current.parentNode; } return true; } function _aspxIsFocusable(element) { return _aspxIsFocusableCore(element, _aspxFalseFunction); } function _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, eventName, func, onlyBubbling) { if(element.addEventListener) element.addEventListener(eventName, func, !onlyBubbling); else element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, func); } function _aspxDetachEventFromElement(element, eventName, func) { if(element.removeEventListener) element.removeEventListener(eventName, func, true); else element.detachEvent("on" + eventName, func); } function _aspxAttachEventToDocument(eventName, func) { var attachingAllowed = ASPxClientTouchUI.onEventAttachingToDocument(eventName, func); if(attachingAllowed) _aspxAttachEventToDocumentCore(eventName, func); } function _aspxAttachEventToDocumentCore(eventName, func) { _aspxAttachEventToElement(document, eventName, func); } function _aspxDetachEventFromDocument(eventName, func) { _aspxDetachEventFromDocumentCore(eventName, func); ASPxClientTouchUI.onEventDettachedFromDocument(eventName, func); } function _aspxDetachEventFromDocumentCore(eventName, func){ _aspxDetachEventFromElement(document, eventName, func); } function _aspxCreateEventHandlerFunction(funcName, controlName, withHtmlEventArg) { if(withHtmlEventArg) return function(e) { window[funcName](controlName, e) }; return function() { window[funcName](controlName) }; } function _aspxGetMouseWheelEventName(){ return __aspxNetscapeFamily ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel"; } function _aspxAttachMouseEnterToElement(element, onMouseOverHandler, onMouseOutHandler) { _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "mouseover", function(evt) { _aspxMouseEnterHandler(evt, element, onMouseOverHandler, onMouseOutHandler); }); _aspxAttachEventToElement(element, "mouseout", function(evt) { _aspxMouseEnterHandler(evt, element, onMouseOverHandler, onMouseOutHandler); }); } function _aspxMouseEnterHandler(evt, element, onMouseOverHandler, onMouseOutHandler) { var isMouseOverExecuted = !!element.dxMouseOverExecuted; var isMouseOverEvent = (evt.type == "mouseover"); if (isMouseOverEvent && isMouseOverExecuted || !isMouseOverEvent && !isMouseOverExecuted) return; var source = evt.relatedTarget || (isMouseOverEvent ? evt.srcElement : evt.toElement); if (!_aspxGetIsParent(element, source)) { element.dxMouseOverExecuted = isMouseOverEvent; if(isMouseOverEvent) onMouseOverHandler(element); else onMouseOutHandler(element); } else if (isMouseOverEvent && !isMouseOverExecuted) { element.dxMouseOverExecuted = true; onMouseOverHandler(element); } } function _aspxCreateClass(parentClass, properties) { var ret = function() { if (ret.preparing) return delete(ret.preparing); if (ret.constr) { this.constructor = ret; ret.constr.apply(this, arguments); } } ret.prototype = {}; if(parentClass) { parentClass.preparing = true; ret.prototype = new parentClass; ret.prototype.constructor = parentClass; ret.constr = parentClass; } if(properties) { var constructorName = "constructor"; for(var name in properties){ if (name != constructorName) ret.prototype[name] = properties[name]; } if (properties[constructorName] && properties[constructorName] != Object) ret.constr = properties[constructorName]; } return ret; } function _aspxGetAttribute(obj, attrName){ if(obj.getAttribute) return obj.getAttribute(attrName); else if(obj.getPropertyValue) return obj.getPropertyValue(attrName); return null; } function _aspxSetAttribute(obj, attrName, value){ if(obj.setAttribute) obj.setAttribute(attrName, value); else if(obj.setProperty) obj.setProperty(attrName, value, ""); } function _aspxRemoveAttribute(obj, attrName){ if(obj.removeAttribute) obj.removeAttribute(attrName); else if(obj.removeProperty) obj.removeProperty(attrName); } function _aspxIsExistsAttribute(obj, attrName){ var value = _aspxGetAttribute(obj, attrName); return (value != null) && (value !== ""); } function _aspxSetOrRemoveAttribute(obj, attrName, value) { if (!value) _aspxRemoveAttribute(obj, attrName); else _aspxSetAttribute(obj, attrName, value); } function _aspxSaveAttribute(obj, attrName, savedObj, savedAttrName){ if(!_aspxIsExistsAttribute(savedObj, savedAttrName)){ var oldValue = _aspxIsExistsAttribute(obj, attrName) ? _aspxGetAttribute(obj, attrName) : __aspxEmptyAttributeValue; _aspxSetAttribute(savedObj, savedAttrName, oldValue); } } function _aspxSaveStyleAttribute(obj, attrName){ _aspxSaveAttribute(, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName); } function _aspxChangeAttributeExtended(obj, attrName, savedObj, savedAttrName, newValue){ _aspxSaveAttribute(obj, attrName, savedObj, savedAttrName); _aspxSetAttribute(obj, attrName, newValue); } function _aspxChangeAttribute(obj, attrName, newValue){ _aspxChangeAttributeExtended(obj, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName, newValue); } function _aspxChangeStyleAttribute(obj, attrName, newValue){ _aspxChangeAttributeExtended(, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName, newValue); } function _aspxResetAttributeExtended(obj, attrName, savedObj, savedAttrName){ _aspxSaveAttribute(obj, attrName, savedObj, savedAttrName); _aspxSetAttribute(obj, attrName, ""); _aspxRemoveAttribute(obj, attrName); } function _aspxResetAttribute(obj, attrName){ _aspxResetAttributeExtended(obj, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName); } function _aspxResetStyleAttribute(obj, attrName){ _aspxResetAttributeExtended(, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName); } function _aspxRestoreAttributeExtended(obj, attrName, savedObj, savedAttrName){ if(_aspxIsExistsAttribute(savedObj, savedAttrName)){ var oldValue = _aspxGetAttribute(savedObj, savedAttrName); if(oldValue != __aspxEmptyAttributeValue) _aspxSetAttribute(obj, attrName, oldValue); else _aspxRemoveAttribute(obj, attrName); _aspxRemoveAttribute(savedObj, savedAttrName); return true; } return false; } function _aspxRestoreAttribute(obj, attrName){ return _aspxRestoreAttributeExtended(obj, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName); } function _aspxRestoreStyleAttribute(obj, attrName){ return _aspxRestoreAttributeExtended(, attrName, obj, "saved" + attrName); } function _aspxCopyAllAttributes(sourceElem, destElement) { var attrs = sourceElem.attributes; for (var n = 0; n < attrs.length; n++) { var attr = attrs[n]; if (attr.specified) { var attrName = attr.nodeName; var attrValue = sourceElem.getAttribute(attrName, 2); if (attrValue == null) attrValue = attr.nodeValue; destElement.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue, 0); } } if ( !== '') =; } function _aspxRemoveAllAttributes(element, excludedAttributes) { var excludedAttributesHashTable = {}; if (excludedAttributes) excludedAttributesHashTable = _aspxCreateHashTableFromArray(excludedAttributes); if (element.attributes) { var attrArray = element.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < attrArray.length; i++) { var attrName = attrArray[i].name; if (!_aspxIsExists(excludedAttributesHashTable[attrName.toLowerCase()])) { try { attrArray.removeNamedItem(attrName); } catch (e) { } } } } } function _aspxRemoveStyleAttribute(element, attrName) { if ( { if (__aspxFirefox &&[attrName])[attrName] = ""; if ( && != ""); else if ( && != ""); } } function _aspxRemoveAllStyles(element) { if ( { for(var key in _aspxRemoveStyleAttribute(element, key); _aspxRemoveAttribute(element, "style"); } } function _aspxChangeTabIndexAttribute(element){ var attribute = _aspxGetTabIndexAttribute(); if(_aspxGetAttribute(element, attribute) != -1) _aspxChangeAttribute(element, attribute, -1); } function _aspxSaveTabIndexAttributeAndReset(element) { var attribute = _aspxGetTabIndexAttribute(); _aspxSaveAttribute(element, attribute, element, "saved" + attribute); _aspxSetAttribute(element, attribute, -1); } function _aspxRestoreTabIndexAttribute(element){ var attribute = _aspxGetTabIndexAttribute(); if(_aspxIsExistsAttribute(element, attribute)) { if(_aspxGetAttribute(element, attribute) == -1) { if(_aspxIsExistsAttribute(element, "saved" + attribute)){ var oldValue = _aspxGetAttribute(element, "saved" + attribute); if(oldValue != __aspxEmptyAttributeValue) _aspxSetAttribute(element, attribute, oldValue); else { if(__aspxWebKitFamily) _aspxSetAttribute(element, attribute, 0); _aspxRemoveAttribute(element, attribute); } _aspxRemoveAttribute(element, "saved" + attribute); } } } } function _aspxGetTabIndexAttribute(){ return __aspxIE ? "tabIndex" : "tabindex"; } function _aspxChangeAttributesMethod(enabled){ return enabled ? _aspxRestoreAttribute : _aspxResetAttribute; } function _aspxInitiallyChangeAttributesMethod(enabled){ return enabled ? _aspxChangeAttribute : _aspxResetAttribute; } function _aspxChangeStyleAttributesMethod(enabled){ return enabled ? _aspxRestoreStyleAttribute : _aspxResetStyleAttribute; } function _aspxInitiallyChangeStyleAttributesMethod(enabled){ return enabled ? _aspxChangeStyleAttribute : _aspxResetStyleAttribute; } function _aspxChangeEventsMethod(enabled){ return enabled ? _aspxAttachEventToElement : _aspxDetachEventFromElement; } function _aspxChangeDocumentEventsMethod(enabled){ return enabled ? _aspxAttachEventToDocument : _aspxDetachEventFromDocument; } function _aspxTrimStart(str) { return _aspxTrimImpl(str, true); } function _aspxTrimEnd(str) { return _aspxTrimImpl(str, false, true); } function _aspxTrim(str) { return _aspxTrimImpl(str, true, true); } function _aspxTrimImpl(source, trimStart, trimEnd) { var len = source.length; if(!len) return source; if(len < 0xBABA1) { var result = source; if(trimStart) { result = result.replace(/^\s+/, ""); } if(trimEnd) { result = result.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } return result; } else { var start = 0; if(trimEnd) { while(len > 0 && ASPxWhiteSpaces[source.charCodeAt(len - 1)]) { len--; } } if(trimStart && len > 0) { while(start < len && ASPxWhiteSpaces[source.charCodeAt(start)]) { start++; } } return source.substring(start, len); } } function _aspxInsert(str, subStr, index) { var leftText = str.slice(0, index); var rightText = str.slice(index); return leftText + subStr + rightText; } function _aspxInsertEx(str, subStr, startIndex, endIndex) { var leftText = str.slice(0, startIndex); var rightText = str.slice(endIndex); return leftText + subStr + rightText; } function _aspxNavigateUrl(url, target) { var javascriptPrefix = "javascript:"; if(url == "") return; else if(url.indexOf(javascriptPrefix) != -1) eval(url.substr(javascriptPrefix.length)); else { try{ if(target != "") _aspxNavigateTo(url, target); else location.href = url; } catch(e){ } } } function _aspxNavigateByLink(linkElement) { _aspxNavigateUrl(_aspxGetAttribute(linkElement, "href"),; } function _aspxNavigateTo(url, target) { var lowerCaseTarget = target.toLowerCase(); if("_top" == lowerCaseTarget) top.location.href = url; else if("_self" == lowerCaseTarget) location.href = url; else if("_search" == lowerCaseTarget), '_blank'); else if("_media" == lowerCaseTarget), '_blank'); else if("_parent" == lowerCaseTarget) window.parent.location.href = url; else if("_blank" == lowerCaseTarget), '_blank'); else { var frame = _aspxGetFrame(top.frames, target); if(frame != null) frame.location.href = url; else, '_blank'); } } function _aspxGetFrame(frames, name) { if(frames[name]) return frames[name]; for(var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { try { var frame = frames[i]; if( == name) return frame; frame = _aspxGetFrame(frame.frames, name); if(frame != null) return frame; } catch(e) { } } return null; } function _aspxToHex(d) { return (d < 16) ? ("0" + d.toString(16)) : d.toString(16); } function _aspxColorToHexadecimal(colorValue) { if (typeof(colorValue) == "number") { var r = colorValue & 0xFF; var g = (colorValue >> 8) & 0xFF; var b = (colorValue >> 16) & 0xFF; return "#" + _aspxToHex(r) + _aspxToHex(g) + _aspxToHex(b); } if (colorValue && (colorValue.substr(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "rgb")) { var re = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/; var regResult = colorValue.toLowerCase().match(re); if (regResult) { var r = parseInt(regResult[1]); var g = parseInt(regResult[2]); var b = parseInt(regResult[3]); return "#" + _aspxToHex(r) + _aspxToHex(g) + _aspxToHex(b); } return null; } if (colorValue && (colorValue.charAt(0) == "#")) return colorValue; return null; } function _aspxFormatCallbackArg(prefix, arg) { if(prefix == null && arg == null) return ""; if(prefix == null) prefix = ""; if(arg == null) arg = ""; if(arg != null && !_aspxIsExists(arg.length) && _aspxIsExists(arg.value)) arg = arg.value; arg = arg.toString(); return [prefix, '|', arg.length, '|' , arg].join(''); } function _aspxFormatCallbackArgs(callbackData) { var sb = [ ]; for(var i = 0; i < callbackData.length; i++) sb.push(_aspxFormatCallbackArg(callbackData[i][0], callbackData[i][1])); return sb.join(""); } function _aspxIsValidElement(element) { if(!element) return false; if(!(__aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserVersion < 4)) { if(element.ownerDocument && element.ownerDocument.body.compareDocumentPosition) return element.ownerDocument.body.compareDocumentPosition(element) % 2 === 0; } if(!__aspxOpera && !(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 9) && element.offsetParent && element.parentNode.tagName) return true; while(element != null){ if(element.tagName == "BODY") return true; element = element.parentNode; } return false; } function _aspxIsValidElements(elements) { if (!elements) return false; for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if(elements[i] && !_aspxIsValidElement(elements[i])) return false; } return true; } function _aspxIsExistsElement(element) { return element && _aspxIsValidElement(element); } function _aspxFindParentByTestFunc(element, testFunc){ if (!testFunc) return null; while(element != null && element.tagName != "BODY"){ if(testFunc(element)) return element; element = element.parentNode; } return null; } function _aspxCorrectJSFloatNumber(number) { var ret = 21; var numString = number.toPrecision(21); numString = numString.replace("-", ""); var integerDigitsCount = numString.indexOf(__aspxPossibleNumberDecimalSeparators[0]); if (integerDigitsCount < 0) integerDigitsCount = numString.indexOf(__aspxPossibleNumberDecimalSeparators[1]); var floatDigitsCount = numString.length - integerDigitsCount - 1; if(floatDigitsCount < 10) return number; if (integerDigitsCount > 0) { ret = integerDigitsCount + 12; } var toPrecisionNumber = Math.min(ret, 21); var newValueString = number.toPrecision(toPrecisionNumber); return parseFloat(newValueString, 10); } function _aspxToJson(param){ var paramType = typeof(param); if((paramType == "undefined") || (param == null)) return null; if((paramType == "object") && (typeof(param.__toJson) == "function")) return param.__toJson(); if((paramType == "number") || (paramType == "boolean")) return param; if(param.constructor == Date) return _aspxDateToJson(param); if(paramType == "string") { var result = param.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"); result = result.replace(/"/g, "\\\""); result = result.replace(//g, "\\u003e"); return "\"" + result + "\""; } if(param.constructor == Array){ var values = []; for(var i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { var jsonValue = _aspxToJson(param[i]); if(jsonValue === null) jsonValue = "null"; values.push(jsonValue); } return "[" + values.join(",") + "]"; } var exceptKeys = {}; if(ASPxIdent.IsArray(param.__toJsonExceptKeys)) exceptKeys = _aspxCreateHashTableFromArray(param.__toJsonExceptKeys); exceptKeys["__toJsonExceptKeys"] = 1; var values = []; for(var key in param){ if(_aspxIsFunction(param[key])) continue; if(exceptKeys[key] == 1) continue; values.push(_aspxToJson(key) + ":" + _aspxToJson(param[key])); } return "{" + values.join(",") + "}"; } function _aspxDateToJson(date) { var result = [ date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() ]; var time = { h: date.getHours(), m: date.getMinutes(), s: date.getSeconds(), ms: date.getMilliseconds() }; if(time.h || time.m || time.s || result.push(time.h); if(time.m || time.s || result.push(time.m); if(time.s || result.push(time.s); if( result.push(; return "new Date(" + result.join() + ")"; } function _aspxEmulateDocumentOnMouseDown(evt) { _aspxEmulateOnMouseDown(document, evt); } function _aspxEmulateOnMouseDown(element, evt) { if(__aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion < 9) element.fireEvent("onmousedown", evt); else if(!__aspxWebKitFamily){ var emulatedEvt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); emulatedEvt.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, window, 0, evt.screenX, evt.screenY, evt.clientX, evt.clientY, evt.ctrlKey, evt.altKey, evt.shiftKey, false, 0, null); element.dispatchEvent(emulatedEvt); } } function _aspxCreateHtmlElementFromString(str) { var dummy = document.createElement("DIV"); dummy.innerHTML = str; return dummy.firstChild; } function _aspxDelayedFunctionCall(object, functionName) { var callTimerIdPropertyName = "delayed" + functionName + "CallTimerId"; var additionalCallRequiredPropertyName = "delayed" + functionName + "AdditionalCallRequired"; if(!object[callTimerIdPropertyName] || object[callTimerIdPropertyName] == -1) { var timeoutFunction = function() { object[functionName](); object[callTimerIdPropertyName] = _aspxClearTimer(object[callTimerIdPropertyName]); if(object[additionalCallRequiredPropertyName]) { object[additionalCallRequiredPropertyName] = false; object[callTimerIdPropertyName] = _aspxSetTimeout(timeoutFunction, 0); } }; object[callTimerIdPropertyName] = _aspxSetTimeout(timeoutFunction, 0); } else object[additionalCallRequiredPropertyName] = true; } function _aspxRestoreElementOriginalWidth(element) { if(!_aspxIsExistsElement(element)) return; = element.dxOrigWidth = _aspxGetElementOriginalWidth(element); } function _aspxGetElementOriginalWidth(element) { if(!_aspxIsExistsElement(element)) return null; var width; if(!_aspxIsExists(element.dxOrigWidth)) { width = String( > 0 ? : element.offsetWidth + "px"; } else { width = element.dxOrigWidth; } return width; } function _aspxDropElementOriginalWidth(element) { if(_aspxIsExists(element.dxOrigWidth)) element.dxOrigWidth = null; } function _aspxPrepareStringForFilter(s){ s = s.toLowerCase(); if(__aspxWebKitFamily) { return s.replace(new RegExp(__aspxGreekSLFSigmaChar, "g"), __aspxGreekSLSigmaChar); } return s; } Function.prototype.aspxBind = function(scope) { var func = this; return function() { return func.apply(scope, arguments); }; }; ASPxScrollBarMode = { Hidden: 0, Visible: 1, Auto: 2 }; ASPxColumnResizeMode = { None: 0, Control: 1, NextColumn: 2 }; ASPxSimpleHiddenField = { }; ASPxSimpleHiddenField.Separator = "|"; ASPxSimpleHiddenField.GetBag = function(key, input) { if(!key || !input) return { "keyIndex": -1 }; var keyString = key.toString(); if(keyString.length == 0) return { "keyIndex": -1 }; var value = input.value; var keyIndex = value.indexOf(keyString); if(keyIndex < 0) return { "keyIndex": -1 }; var sepIndex = value.indexOf(ASPxSimpleHiddenField.Separator, keyIndex + keyString.length); var count = Number(value.slice(keyIndex + keyString.length, sepIndex)); return { "keyIndex": keyIndex, "valueIndex": sepIndex + 1, "count": count, "inputValue": value }; }; ASPxSimpleHiddenField.Get = function(key, input) { var bag = ASPxSimpleHiddenField.GetBag(key, input); if(bag.keyIndex < 0) return; return bag.inputValue.substr(bag.valueIndex, bag.count); }; ASPxSimpleHiddenField.Set = function(key, value, input) { var value = _aspxIsExists(value) ? value.toString() : ""; var newValue = key.toString() + value.length + ASPxSimpleHiddenField.Separator + value; var bag = ASPxSimpleHiddenField.GetBag(key, input); if(bag.keyIndex < 0) { input.value += newValue; return; } var prevValue = bag.inputValue.slice(bag.keyIndex, bag.valueIndex + bag.count); input.value = bag.inputValue.replace(prevValue, newValue); }; (function(){ window.ASPxMouseScroller = window.ASPxMouseScroller || { }; ASPxMouseScroller.MinimumOffset = 10; ASPxMouseScroller.Create = function(getElement, getScrollXElement, getScrollYElement, needPreventScrolling, vertRecursive, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp) { var element = getElement(); if(!element) return; if(!element.dxMouseScroller) element.dxMouseScroller = new ASPxMouseScroller.Extender(getElement, getScrollXElement, getScrollYElement, needPreventScrolling, vertRecursive, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp); return element.dxMouseScroller; } ASPxMouseScroller.Extender = function(getElement, getScrollXElement, getScrollYElement, needPreventScrolling, vertRecursive, onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp) { this.getElement = getElement; this.getScrollXElement = getScrollXElement; this.getScrollYElement = getScrollYElement; this.needPreventScrolling = needPreventScrolling; this.vertRecursive = !!vertRecursive; this.createHandlers(onMouseDown || function(){ }, onMouseMove || function(){ }, onMouseUp || function(){ }); this.update() }; ASPxMouseScroller.Extender.prototype = { update: function() { if(this.element) _aspxDetachEventFromElement(this.element, ASPxClientTouchUI.touchMouseDownEventName, this.mouseDownHandler); this.element = this.getElement(); _aspxAttachEventToElement(this.element, ASPxClientTouchUI.touchMouseDownEventName, this.mouseDownHandler); _aspxAttachEventToElement(this.element, "click", this.mouseClickHandler); if(__aspxMSTouchUI && this.element.className.indexOf(ASPxClientTouchUI.msTouchDraggableClassName) < 0) this.element.className += " " + ASPxClientTouchUI.msTouchDraggableClassName; this.scrollXElement = this.getScrollXElement(); this.scrollYElement = this.getScrollYElement(); }, createHandlers: function(onMouseDown, onMouseMove, onMouseUp) { this.onMouseDown = onMouseDown; this.onMouseMove = onMouseMove; this.onMouseUp = onMouseUp; this.mouseDownHandler = function(e) { if(this.needPreventScrolling && this.needPreventScrolling(_aspxGetEventSource(e))) return; this.scrollableTreeLine = this.GetScrollableElements(); this.firstX = this.prevX = _aspxGetEventX(e); this.firstY = this.prevY = this.GetEventY(e); _aspxAttachEventToDocument(ASPxClientTouchUI.touchMouseMoveEventName, this.mouseMoveHandler); _aspxAttachEventToDocument(ASPxClientTouchUI.touchMouseUpEventName, this.mouseUpHandler); this.onMouseDown(e); }.aspxBind(this); this.mouseMoveHandler = function(e) { if(ASPxClientTouchUI.isGesture) return; var x = _aspxGetEventX(e); var y = this.GetEventY(e); var xDiff = this.prevX - x; var yDiff = this.prevY - y; if(this.vertRecursive) { var isTopDirection = yDiff < 0; this.scrollYElement = this.GetElementForVertScrolling(isTopDirection, this.prevIsTopDirection, this.scrollYElement); this.prevIsTopDirection = isTopDirection; } if(this.scrollXElement && xDiff != 0) this.scrollXElement.scrollLeft += xDiff; if(this.scrollYElement && yDiff != 0) this.scrollYElement.scrollTop += yDiff; this.prevX = x; this.prevY = y; e.preventDefault(); this.onMouseMove(e); }.aspxBind(this); this.mouseUpHandler = function(e) { _aspxDetachEventFromDocument(ASPxClientTouchUI.touchMouseMoveEventName, this.mouseMoveHandler); _aspxDetachEventFromDocument(ASPxClientTouchUI.touchMouseUpEventName, this.mouseUpHandler); this.scrollableTreeLine = [ ]; this.prevIsTopDirection = null; this.onMouseUp(e); }.aspxBind(this); this.mouseClickHandler = function(e){ if(this.needPreventScrolling && this.needPreventScrolling(_aspxGetEventSource(e))) return; var xDiff = this.firstX - _aspxGetEventX(e); var yDiff = this.firstY - _aspxGetEventY(e); if(xDiff > ASPxMouseScroller.MinimumOffset || yDiff > ASPxMouseScroller.MinimumOffset) return _aspxPreventEventAndBubble(e); }.aspxBind(this); }, GetEventY: function(e) { return _aspxGetEventY(e) - _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop(); }, GetScrollableElements: function() { var result = [ ]; var el = this.element; while(el && el != document && this.vertRecursive) { if(this.CanVertScroll(el) || el.tagName == "HTML") result.push(el); el = el.parentNode; } return result; }, CanVertScroll: function(element) { var style = _aspxGetCurrentStyle(element); return style.overflow == "scroll" || style.overflow == "auto" || style.overflowY == "scroll" || style.overflowY == "auto"; }, GetElementForVertScrolling: function(currentIsTop, prevIsTop, prevElement) { if(prevElement && currentIsTop === prevIsTop && this.GetVertScrollExcess(prevElement, currentIsTop) > 0) return prevElement; for(var i = 0; i < this.scrollableTreeLine.length; i++) { var element = this.scrollableTreeLine[i]; var excess = this.GetVertScrollExcess(element, currentIsTop); if(excess > 0) return element; } return null; }, GetVertScrollExcess: function(element, isTop) { if(isTop) return element.scrollTop; return element.scrollHeight - element.clientHeight - element.scrollTop; } } })(); ASPxClientUtils = {}; ASPxClientUtils.agent = __aspxUserAgent; ASPxClientUtils.opera = __aspxOpera; ASPxClientUtils.opera9 = __aspxOpera && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion == 9; ASPxClientUtils.safari = __aspxSafari; ASPxClientUtils.safari3 = __aspxSafari && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion == 3; ASPxClientUtils.safariMacOS = __aspxSafari && __aspxMacOSPlatform; = __aspxChrome; = __aspxIE; ASPxClientUtils.ie55 = __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserVersion == 5.5; ; ASPxClientUtils.ie7 = __aspxIE && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion == 7; ASPxClientUtils.firefox = __aspxFirefox; ASPxClientUtils.firefox3 = __aspxFirefox && __aspxBrowserMajorVersion == 3; ASPxClientUtils.mozilla = __aspxMozilla; ASPxClientUtils.netscape = __aspxNetscape; ASPxClientUtils.browserVersion = __aspxBrowserVersion; ASPxClientUtils.browserMajorVersion = __aspxBrowserMajorVersion; ASPxClientUtils.macOSPlatform = __aspxMacOSPlatform; ASPxClientUtils.windowsPlatform = __aspxWindowsPlatform; ASPxClientUtils.webKitFamily = __aspxWebKitFamily; ASPxClientUtils.netscapeFamily = __aspxNetscapeFamily; ASPxClientUtils.touchUI = __aspxTouchUI; ASPxClientUtils.webKitTouchUI = __aspxWebKitTouchUI; ASPxClientUtils.msTouchUI = __aspxMSTouchUI; ASPxClientUtils.iOSPlatform = __aspxMacOSMobilePlatform; ASPxClientUtils.androidPlatform = __aspxAndroidMobilePlatform; ASPxClientUtils.ArrayInsert = _aspxArrayInsert; ASPxClientUtils.ArrayRemove = _aspxArrayRemove; ASPxClientUtils.ArrayRemoveAt = _aspxArrayRemoveAt; ASPxClientUtils.ArrayClear = _aspxArrayClear; ASPxClientUtils.ArrayIndexOf = _aspxArrayIndexOf; ASPxClientUtils.AttachEventToElement = _aspxAttachEventToElement; ASPxClientUtils.DetachEventFromElement = _aspxDetachEventFromElement; ASPxClientUtils.GetEventSource = _aspxGetEventSource; ASPxClientUtils.GetEventX = _aspxGetEventX; ASPxClientUtils.GetEventY = _aspxGetEventY; ASPxClientUtils.GetKeyCode = _aspxGetKeyCode; ASPxClientUtils.PreventEvent = _aspxPreventEvent; ASPxClientUtils.PreventEventAndBubble = _aspxPreventEventAndBubble; ASPxClientUtils.PreventDragStart = _aspxPreventDragStart; ASPxClientUtils.ClearSelection = _aspxClearSelection; ASPxClientUtils.IsExists = _aspxIsExists; ASPxClientUtils.IsFunction = _aspxIsFunction; ASPxClientUtils.GetAbsoluteX = _aspxGetAbsoluteX; ASPxClientUtils.GetAbsoluteY = _aspxGetAbsoluteY; ASPxClientUtils.SetAbsoluteX = _aspxSetAbsoluteX; ASPxClientUtils.SetAbsoluteY = _aspxSetAbsoluteY; ASPxClientUtils.GetDocumentScrollTop = _aspxGetDocumentScrollTop; ASPxClientUtils.GetDocumentScrollLeft = _aspxGetDocumentScrollLeft; ASPxClientUtils.GetDocumentClientWidth = _aspxGetDocumentClientWidth; ASPxClientUtils.GetDocumentClientHeight = _aspxGetDocumentClientHeight; ASPxClientUtils.GetIsParent = _aspxGetIsParent; ASPxClientUtils.GetParentById = _aspxGetParentById; ASPxClientUtils.GetParentByTagName = _aspxGetParentByTagName; ASPxClientUtils.GetParentByClassName = _aspxGetParentByPartialClassName; ASPxClientUtils.GetChildById = _aspxGetChildById; ASPxClientUtils.GetChildByTagName = _aspxGetChildByTagName; ASPxClientUtils.SetCookie = _aspxSetCookie; ASPxClientUtils.GetCookie = _aspxGetCookie; ASPxClientUtils.DeleteCookie = _aspxDelCookie; ASPxClientUtils.GetShortcutCode = _aspxGetShortcutCode; ASPxClientUtils.GetShortcutCodeByEvent = _aspxGetShortcutCodeByEvent; ASPxClientUtils.StringToShortcutCode = _aspxParseShortcutString; ASPxClientUtils.Trim = _aspxTrim; ASPxClientUtils.TrimStart = _aspxTrimStart; ASPxClientUtils.TrimEnd = _aspxTrimEnd;